Wednesday, November 18

who said sleep was a necessicity?

oh man, oh man, oh man!

so sometimes, no, ALWAYS i see, encounter, witness, however you wish you put it...the randomness of life! Honestly, one of my favorite things to do is people watch if that is even a real thing to do! Sometimes, i just have to wonder...what are people really thinking??? This is one crazy world we live in!!!

a. If there is a divider in the street...a patch of grass, a median...anything, you do NOT need to stop on the opposite side of the street as the school bus! I'm just saying... learned that one in one of many defensive driving classes!!! <--- and it is quite annoying to us drivers who do know the rules of the road when people do this! I understand you want to be safe but its not required!!!!

b. while I was stopped on the opposite side of the street as the bus becuase the cars in front of me clearly did not know the laws i witnessed what seemed like 100 kids get off ONE school bus at ONE stop. It was insane! I think half the school lived at the same apartment complex. It was the like the never ending kid-unloading bus stop!

c. Is it weird that I tend to remember meeting people even if I've only met them once? I have an insane memory sometimes and then other times it fails me miserably. BUT today I was in the Wal-Mart parking lot walking into the Wal-Mart and I saw this girl walk past me going the opposite direction as I and i swear she was a girl I met while in Paris who worked at this bike tour company that I LOVED. Anyways, crazy! and i swear it was her!!! ...and i did slightly stalk her online for a few minutes and i think it really was her.

d. why are the speed limits on the free 60?
ri-dic-u-lous!!! ugh.

e. I know i've said this a million times before (or at least I've discussed this topic many times before) but this time next year, i could possibly be in PARIS FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!! ????

f. Tonight I went over to my Grandma's at 8pm and she fed me the most delcious homemade soup you've ever had with the most amazing homemade corn bread you've ever had (i challenge anyone who thinks otherwise) and she helped me finish my sewing projects...i didn't leave until 11:30pm. What an amazing woman she is!!!! Now that is ri-dic-u-lous!

g. I am not at all ready to move to Denton! Nor will i ever, probably, but really, I LOVE HOUSTON! seriously? did i just type that? oh yea, i just did! All i can say is that the Lord REALLY does work in WEIRD and mysterious ways!

h. I have a boyfriend. He doesn't know it yet and we're not even really friends but i'm just saying! lolol.

i. I love how I thought I was friends with a certain someone and then come to find out I assumed and made up their entire does that happen? I think i need to start asking more questions and learning more about people before making up their life story! geeez. But it was a pretty comical experience to say the least!

CRAZY-LOUD-SUPER DUPER FUN-AMAZING-TRANSPARANT-BLUNT-and BEYONG COOL person you've ever met in your entire life...and if you can't handle 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 of those adjectives of myself then turn around walk the other way...!!!


Monday, November 2

almost forgot!

I forgot a few updates:

1. I signed up for my near to last semester of college and I can't believe it's almost here! Really!??!?! I'm gonna be graduating soon?!?!?! (this time next year I will NOT be in school...)
2. Here's my t shirt quilt partly done... (ok, well, i suck at this blog so its above instead of below..ugh) But its my pride and joy right now! It's what I love doing and am so blessed to have this talent and love for being crafty in some sort of way.

3. My cousins Sarah and Joseph come to visit us in Houston this weekend and I'm sooooooo ridiculously excited because they just had a baby and I haven't met him yet. And i miss them soo much, its been January since I have seen them and I miss them.

4. I'm going to Passion in Atlanta, Georgia this next January. Can't wait! Went my freshman year of college and am going my senior (5th yr senior, but who's counting?) year. Great way to end my college career!!! Love Louie Giglio and all the others who will be in attendance...although not looking forward to the ridiculously long drive there!

5. And in January I also start passionately and dedicatedly looking for an Au Pair job in Paris (or anywhere in France) so that is a bit nerve racking knowng that it could possibly happen!!! eeeek!!!!

6. I move to Denton in January ALSO (everything seems like its going to happen in Jan 2010) which is going to be wild and crazy. Possibly more eventful than the move back to Houston, because it will be my first time to live in a small town since my not so enjoyable first semester of college that was spent in College Station (what'do ya know, coincidentally this will be my last semester) and my first time to live closer than 25 miles to UNT, the college of which I will be getting my degree from. Lots of first in that paragraph....

7. I am changing my name....haha just kidding!!!

8. Ok, I think i've finally run out of things to blog about! Peace out yo!!!