Friday, April 27

old friends meet new friends

One of my favorite things that is not on my top five list here in Paris is my old friends meeting my new friends. When people from my life back in the states come to Paris and collide with my life here and are able to be a part of it for a day or a few. It's one of my favorite things.

This past weekend some of my oldest friends came to Paris and we had such a good day. Doing some of the things on my top 5 favorite things in Paris...

baking adventures

Another baking adventure:

to make a chocolate chocolate cake. double layered. with homemade icing.


favorite things

I have decided to make a top five list of favorite things in Paris. What is on that list? A boat ride down the Seine. At the inexpensive price of roughly 12 Euros for one hour of bliss and views of every magical place in Paris, I have found myself on more boat rides than I can count. This is the first thing I take people to do when they arrive in the city or now, its just something I do sometimes to get a breath of fresh air. I highly recommend going on a boat ride if you are ever in Paris. And if you're a big spender, you can opt for the lunch or dinner cruises with the same company but longer rides and 3 course meals! yum. (thats next on my list)

Thursday, April 26

more birthdays

 And this is how we celebrate birtthdays here in Paris. Along with being Caroline's birthday, it also happened to be our good friend Pedro's birthday as well. There was a joint birthday party had where a cupcake (a very tiny one at that) showed up and ended up making a mess on everyone's faces.

And then upon Pedro's request we went to Disney for his birthday celebration. I love Disney. 

We had a great day despite the rain and cold. But we are used to that type of weather here so what's new? We had such a good time that in the end, we were escorted out because we just didn't want to leave. And if you're ever around the Paris area and looking for something different to do, I recommend Disney. It was my third time in less than two years so I guess that speaks for itself. And if you want some company I might just be up to meet you there. :-)

the Titanic sunk my phone

A few weeks ago I decided to go see Titanic 3-D at the cinema and let me tell you all, the Titanic still sunk. And it took with it my iPhone.

And that, my friends, was the most expensive movie I have ever seen. Ever.

And so the next day I was up at the Apple store to get this situation fixed and it wasn't as easy as it seems it might be. Lets just say that even though its an American company, they (meaning the people that are born and raised and live in this wonderful country) still have no idea what 'customer service' means. Literally, they really didn't know what it meant. But after standing my ground I was helped and left with a hole in my pocket (metaphorically) and a new iPhone.

Lesson learned...

Tuesday, April 24

sunny days

A few weeks ago when the sun was starting to resurface and before the constant rain storms that have become the norm around here, my friend Jordan and I decided to go on an adventure. To the see the Statue of Liberty. In Paris. 
Did you know there was one? Well, now you do! And its not too far from the Eiffel Tower either. 
I had heard about it a million times and read about it and everyone I know has seen it but me. And Jordan. 
But now that all has changed as we ventured out and found it. Its not big, but it was see something that represents America. I love America. And I love France. But what I love the most is pieces of America in France. Like a Statue of Liberty in Paris. 
Oh how I miss the sun.

And this is the state in which I found Alix (the girl I watch)
after art class a few weeks ago.