Monday, November 10

So this morning, I don't know if its the lack of sunshine outside or the fact that its getting colder each day but I feel as though this weekend, and today in particular, I'm out to accomplish stuff. I've become a list writer. I'm always making to-do lists, grocery lists, lists of how and when I'm going to graduate, lists of gifts I want for Christmas, lists of everything! ...and somehow rarely do they ever get used or get done! This weekend i accomplished so little but yet i accomplished a lot. Now only 1 paper more and a few homework's and I will be partially caught up on school work! yay!

So, i have a graduation date...the Lord willing! August 2010!!!! WOOO HOOO! That seems like so far some days and other days, i can smell the end! (it's a very sweet smell, haha) The Lord has so graciously provided for me throughout this whole college journey. I can remember being in high school and just not wanting to go to college. It definitely was not a priority until...2ND semester senior year. And then just finding my place, where i was supposed to be, and what i was supposed to be doing. I'm not going to lie, if i could go back, i would opt to not go to college or to fast forward through this part of my life, but sitting here right now, i am glad that i have not only had this opportunity but that i took advantage of these opportunities. So now all that is left is to get that last bit of energy and keep it going until August of 2010 when i have that diploma of COMPLETION in my hands. 

OH OH OH...that almost looks like HO HO HO. I'm easily distracted and easily entertained. So just a random bit of information, if you are looking to get a passport or renew your passport, RIGHT NOW is the time to do it. I went to get my passport renewed after 3 years, mine expired i think Jan 2006. And people always tell you, you need to do it as soon as possible because it could take a long time, i think I've even heard someone quote up to 6 months to get a passport. Well, I was loving me some government this weekend when on Friday I went to open my mail and i found what? my renewed passport...after only ONE week! It took them less than a week to process my application and get it back to me! (And my picture is good this time, haha
So now with my brand new reissued United States of America passport, I have HUGE plans for the 2 of us this next year! My plans start  (and I'm being serious) with a trip to Paris during spring break and then in May/June I'm going to China to study abroad. And then hopefully to New Mexico, but fortunately you don't need a passport to go there! 

So, here's to dreams and accomplishments and dreaming some more... oh yea, and you can't forget the Lord providing! *cheers*

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