Monday, March 30
25 Random things
Wednesday, March 25
i killed my ipod!
Wednesday, March 18
paris, oh, paris
Tuesday, March 10
Broken Heart
Monday, March 9
Phone camera
So this post is going to be quite random, let me warn you. So i'm like everyone else who takes pictures with my phone when the occasion arises that its necessary to photograph the moment and I just don't have my camera with me. Well, i had forgotten all about these pictures until today and here is what my phone has been carrying around:

So here's one of my fav's. If you look closely, the picture was taken of the sign, not the car. (although i would love to be driving around in that thing) but anyways, I work in Highland Park and now i live here also. But i drive all over the neighborhood all during the week and these signs were all over the place in January. They have started to fade away as this is old news but President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush moved into Preston Hollow (a neighborhood adjacent to Highland Park) and so some creative person decided to make "welcome home" signs. If the people i were living with didn't vote for Obama, I would've found one myself and put it proudly in their yard. If you can't read, the signs say, "Welcome home George and Laura", with a Texas flag. This just made my heart beat a skip. With all the hatred you hear about for George at the end of his presidency and the transition, i was glad to not only be a Texan, the home of the 43rd president, but also proud to live near the president's new residence. I like George, OK?!?!
So this picture kind of baffled me. Please let me if you've seen this before, but I never had and I thought it was picture worthy. It's literally called "orange cauliflower" and "purple cauliflower". Seriously? Is that natural? At the local Kroger? I thought that might

be something you see at Whole Foods or an

"all natural" store even though purple and orange cauliflower don't seen
"all natural". Just kind of a weird grocery trip if i do say so myself.

Sunday, March 8
Testing overload
Wednesday, March 4
I'm in love...