Wednesday, March 18

paris, oh, paris

So I am writing the quickest blog ever known to man. It is the end of day 5 of my trip to Paris. I can't even believe that I have been here that long. These have been the longest days of my life and yet the shortest (if that makes any sense). If i blogged about everything i have done everyday, your mind would be spinning, because honestly, mine almost is. 
Today we took a 2 hour train ride out to Bayeux, France today to see the beaches at Normandy (D-Day). It was so overwhelmingly powerful. Long day of taking it all in but it was so crazy to think I am standing on soil that was bloody with American bodies, all fighting for the liberation of a country that they had no ties to. These people gave up their lives for people they didn't know and for countries they had never visited. And to know i was standing where those stupid Germans stood and lived and killed our American soldiers. It was so cool (but in a sad way). 
Anyways, so Paris is my new favorite place. I've traveled a little here and there but I have never fallen in love with some place so quickly (since Dallas). I really want to move here and funny thing is my aunt is kind of adamant about me moving here too. It is the loveliest place ever. I have taken over 600 pictures since we left Houston 6 days ago and I'm sure i'll take a few hundred more before the trip is over. (I'll post those later)
PS-i found this company called fat tire bike tours dot come and it is an american created and run company and they take you on bike tours of the city. most amazing experience of my life. I took a night tour of the city on a "california cruiser" last night and words can't even describe the amazingness i saw. And tomorrow i'm going on a day tour of the city on a bike. wow. 
Thats all for now....
Here's to looooooving Paris, but missing my America! :-) *cheers* (and lots of wine being drunk!) 

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