Monday, April 27

a little down, a little up

So these past few weeks have really brought me down ... a LOT!
But the funny thing God works everything for GOOOODD!!!! It's so interesting to look back and be like, haha!!! God, you are so funny! ....I mean it!
These girls that I nanny everyday, they have been such a blessing in my life lately! I have had some tough mornings at school or just by myself and I know the day will pick up once i see their beautiful faces. They really have brought joy to my life and honestly, six months ago, I wanted to quit my job more than anything in the world. 
I also started going to an SMU Bible study this semester and it has been a night I look forward to for the past few months. I have prayed for so long for good Christian friends, and of coarse, it would happen that i meet some wonderful people right when everyone is graduating or moving on to the next stage in their life, and while that makes me sad, I have to sit back and remember to live right now and be grateful that God answered my prayer and that he cares...RIGHT NOW. He cares! About me?!!!
And funnier things might be soon happening and I'm just trying my hardest to do what I do worst and give it to Him. Because obviously, as I have just typed in the last 5 minutes above here...He cares, He takes care of me, He has my best interest at why not give it to Him? and trust Him with my life?

So to my cheers for the really a challenge, for myself mostly, but to anyone else who reads this: Eat it up! (the Word) To endulge myself like never before because I know He has great things in store for the now, the right now, and all I have to do is trust Him and He will provide. Besides the fact that His word tells me, He has proven that to me TODAY and yesterday and He will show me again tomorrow because I'm sure I will forget and need another friendly reminder. until then, please pray for me and for my future as I am battling the Lord on what He has planned for my life and that is not a fun place to be! :-/ (I'm praying that He change my heart. That I will want what He wants for me... And i know He can, because its a typical prayer for me. Ha ha. )


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