Sunday, January 16

how you doin...

I was channeling my inner "joey" from friends voice right there with the title.

I feel like it's been for.ever since i wrote a post but in actuality it has only been a week. that just means a lot has happened on my end to make me feel that way. and by a lot, i mean. a.lot.

lets start with the juicy stuff:

last weekend I had my first run-in with the crappy side of things since being here. My cell phone was stolen from me. yes. it still pisses me off to this day (its only been a week) to think about it and i am working through that because as Christians we are called to forgive and clearly I have not yet forgiven.

After all was said and done, I was SO mad but was quickly reminded that, "Kara!!! It was ONLY your cell phone (a thing, something that can be replaced!!) and you were not hurt in any which way!" Oh yea, thanks for reminding me that when my blackberry, also known as "crack berry" was stolen from me.
It happened at my bus stop that I am about 30 times a week in the town over where I catch the train. These two young teenage girls asked to borrow my phone to make a phone call and I thought, sure, why not... they look innocent and they're cute and young.... lesson to learn the hard way: trust no one! (I HATE THIS LESSON!!! ... i am a trusting person) and said cute, innocent teenage girls RUN off with my phone. It was planned. They must have wanted a blackberry or thought it would be fun to do something like that for the thrill of it...who knows. All I know is before I could process what was going on, they were gone and so was my lifeline to the real world! There was a police station within view of the gare so I quickly went over there, fully knowing that could care less. The police didnt' speak english and in my rage and knowing that my bus home could come at any minute, i could barely get out french words, muchless a sentence that made sense. girl. stole. cell phone. bus. coming. right now. have to go.
(the only words i could get out in french). There was other drama that went on at that moment in time like...hey, I just missed my bus... the next one does come for an hour, i have to be at home to watch the kids while my host parents go out tonight and i am going to be late, i can't call them to come pick me up because i don't have their number now that my phone has been stolen, to walk home would take longer than to wait, its cold, its almost raining, oh no i have to turn my phone off so they don't use it, dang it there were some cool pictures on there i wanted. "Kara!! It was JUST a phone, you are not hurt, it can be replaced and you are going to get home whether you wait an hour for the next bus or walk!" was all I heard everytime my mind start freaking out. Lucky for me I had read the bus schedule wrong and on my walk home I realized another bus would come in half an hour (and that time had almost passed) so i stopped at the next bus stop i saw and waited. "Thank you Jesus" was all I could think!

Long story short, I am COMPLETELY BLESSED. My phone was turned off immiedietly so while they got my phone, they weren't able to use it with my sim card. I had a temporary phone i could put credit on and use for the time being. and I have been blessed that it wasn't more of a hassle to get everything worked out. I am now, as of tonight, back in business! A friend who moved gave me his black berry, I didn't have to pay for a new sim card that has my original phone number on it....and while the lack of hassle doesn't erase the fact that I feel violated, hurt, and lacking trust in anybody I don't know... I feel so blessed that it wasn't worse and that it wasn't more (like my passport!).

I waited to share this story until everything had been figured out because, honestly, I am still trying to figure everything out in my head. I have never felt so helpless in my entire life. And it was really frustrating to be in a situation like that. But everytime I find myself getting angry, I just pray for those girls and that God would watch over them and be in their lives and heal their lives.


sorry about the crappy story above, but my next bit of news is rather exciting. or at least I think so!! I have a holiday coming up in February. yes, its true, the french are always on holiday! it's not a rumor or a lie! The french kids gets 2 weeks of every 6-8 weeks, I am not sure. And so that means I get holiday when they do. My first holiday here back in October I stayed in Paris. My second holiday at Christmas I went to Vienna and Texas. And this holiday I was trying to figure out JUST what I wanted to do. I wanted to go and travel like it's going out of style but I needed the perfect person to go with as they have to have the time and money like me (and want) and thats a bit hard to find sometimes. Anyways, I have found the perfect person (well, a fun person!) and after a week of STRESSING!!! over where to go... who knew it was so hard for two people to agree on travel destinations?!?! We have finally decided to spend 9 days in Italy!! I am so uber excited (yes, uber is a word) and I find that hilarious seeing as how just a few days ago I was saying I could care less about going to Italy. Actually, I've been saying that for a while now. I just feel like why travel to places I can go later in life? I can get anyone to go to Italy or SPain or England or Germany, so right now I want to go to the random places like Croatia and Istanbul and Cairo, Egypt and other quite random places. (or to me they are). Well, we finally decided on Italy. So the week of Valentines I will be in Rome, Cinque Terre (5 fishing villages on the west coast of Italy), Tuscany, and Venice. Did I mention I am SOOOOOO excited?! The details have yet to be determined, all we know is we have booked our flight there and our flight back and we are looking into hotels, hostels, trains and what to do and how to do it in the shortest amount of time!

So as I end this post, know that I am well, in good hands (God's hands), happy and feeling COMPLETELY BLESSED for many different reasons!!!

Love all over,
me! <3

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