Thursday, April 14

and the next day was better

So forgive me for last night's post if you read it. Just was one of those days where things seem to be going wrong and you seem to be misunderstood and the world just seems to be slipping through your fingertips without you having a say. Yea, so pitty party over.

Today is another day, a new day! And yes it was!

I am ever grateful for my friends here. And i say this ALL.the.freaking.time but I really mean it.

Point in case: today I had plans to go to Monet's Gardens with my friend Maya. Boy was it an adventure, but an adventure I won't soon forget!

Today Maya and I rented bikes and rode from Vernon to Giverny, had a picnic under a tree next to Monet's house, took way too many pictures, painted for hours like Monet must have done, and returned to Paris. All in a days time.

Some highlights:

1. Actually speaking in french and being understood and being able to respond back. yes, i bought our tickets in french. score!

2. sat by the pond in Monet's garden's painting away the afternoon

3. being told by an older french woman (in french) that Maya and I were the the future Monet's. haha.

4. a few different people asking if they could take our pictures because they thought it was so cool that we were sitting and painting (and we just thought i'd be fun...which it was)

It was such a nice escape for a day, because as awesome as Paris is, sometimes even the Parisians need a day away. (or the wanna be Parisians)

Does anyone know if Monet's garden's has season pass? haha.

Hope you're having a great week!!!!

Love, me

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