Tuesday, October 11

feel good purchases -stupid kids- and bbms that don't work

Longest title yet? Possibly.

Before I even have a chance to update you on all that has been going on in my life lately I have quite possibly first major event to share about with my kids. Well -- ok not major and probably not the first since I've talked a bit about them but let me go. So last year when I said I wished for a job where there was actual work I had no clue that the next year (this year) I'd have a job that completely filled that wish. If ever I have had to work for my money it is here and now. And I mean it. First off -- I am probably at a great weight and getting even smaller because of all the walking and climbing stairs that is required from this job. Not a complaint just means I am happy to go to bed at night and even happier for the weekends. (I am starting to feel a bit French in that I LIVE for my holidays now!!! weekends included!) Second -- while I am building better and better relationships with the 2 little boys I am watching -- the 11 year old girl and I still clash. As in super super bad. As in  she makes me want to quit my job every time I have to interact with her for more than 10 seconds. Its such a shame because I have seen her sweet and gentle side and I know she has the ability to be respectful and kind but its like she forgets all that when she sees me and has nothing but awkward anger towards me. She feels as though she can boss me around and it ain't so! And not just boss me around but boss the boys around infront of me -- contradicting everything I tell them. I'd like to say that as a teenager I probably lacked in the patience department and was quite confrontational --- since being a nanny for quite some time now I have learned a lot -- and a lot of patience is one of those things. But for some reason when I am with this 11 year old girl I lack every ounce of patience I've ever had and some demon takes over me. Ok -- so its not that bad-- but sometimes I feel as if it is because she makes me so mad. But would she make you mad if you had just gotten 2 little boys to be calm in time for bed and she comes in and tells them they don't have to go to bed? So there we have it. Tonight all my patience went flying out the window and I lost it with her. I feel ultra bad. But sometimes kids just don't get it when you're nice and patient and easy going. right? Well at least thats what the father told me tonight. So although I don't feel ok for yelling at her... I hope she gets the point...the point that she can't boss me around and she can't boss the kids around contradicting me. Not ok.

So you're wondering if I want to be a nanny again? ....I'm leaning more towards looking at getting a real job in the near future.

And wondering if I ever want to have kids??? ....surprisingly yes! ok. lets be real...NOT anytime soon. After these last few years I'm going to need some time to recover from all the horrific encounters I've had but one day... in the far off future. But the thing I keep telling myself is that I will know what to do and what NOT to do.

So on that note: I found the leather jacket of my dreams. And i bought it. Now I'm more broke then I've ever been since before I started working back when I was 16 years old but I'm ok with that because I look cute. And I'm warm. And thats the more important thing. But cute is more fun to talk about. I'll have to post pictures one day after I tell you about my awesome adventures to Barcelona and being a tourist for a week in Paris. PS. I visited Galleries Lafayette -- a store much like Neiman Marcus but bigger and way cooler. I went there this past week end (a place I usually try to avoid --- like all shopping actually) and they are currently having a big sale (which is not common in France most sales are regulated by the government -- go figure!)  and it was bad. The sale and me mixed did not make a good combo. After a year of not really shopping (because I had no money OR space to store anything else) I have learned how to deny my urges to spend (since I have no money or anywhere to store anything) and was able to leave with JUST the jacket and thats all. Oh and a cheap scarf. But who's asking.

And finally.... WHY ARE BLACK BERRY"S NOT WORKING TODAY?!?!?! Seriously. My blackberry is the end all be all and I need my connection to the outside world when I am in the house of horror every evening and I had no clue and still don't know what is going on outside my 4 (or more) walls here. Not ok. Switching to the iPhone as soon as I learn how to save again.

So thats that and I'm back and look forward to my upcoming posts on Barcelona and my adventures up to the top tier of the Eiffel Tower (coolest thing quite possibly that I've ever done).

Have a great evening! Love --- moi

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