Thursday, November 3

can't think of the word

but are any of you the type of person who feels the same emotions as other people??
(And it drives me absolutely crazy when I can't think of the word I want, and it happens more often than not these days). So for instance, if one of your family members or close friends is really angry about something and the situation has nothing to do with you but you feel angry for the same reason? Or if someone close to you if really sad or upset about something and you feel the same feeling as them but you have no reason to have that feeling? (I know there is a word for this)

Thats me.

If someone I know is really upset, hurt, or even happy (yes, this can be a good thing as well) then I feel that emotion with them.

It's a really great thing until it gets me in trouble. Like when I don't like someone because they've done a friend wrong but I have never met this person or have a good reason not like to them.

But then again, it can be really hard. Like right now. When there is someone close to me going through a horrible time and I feel as though I am going through that hard time with her. I am clearly not, and thankful for that, but I can't help but be upset and sad and angry and confused all at the same time. And in the same moment have no words to express to my friend that will help her at all.

It's interesting how the older I get the more "adult" lives problems seem to get. Interesting.

Sometimes I think I've done a decent enough job of avoiding growing up, having chosen the live I have chosen since graduating university. And then there are times like this, sitting in my apartment, feeling all those emotions for a friend who's going through a tough time, when I realize, am I really old enough to have friends going through such tough times like this?

I'm sorry to be so vague but thats just the way its going to be on here. (It's not my issue to be sharing with the world wide web).

Anyways, just some food for thought if that is even food for thought. More like the deepness inside the soul of Kara tonight.

On a different, more light note... I realized (yes, it took me almost 2 months) that every time I walk home from work I pass the Arc de Triumph. I decided this evening that I need to be more aware of my surroundings and the many blessings I am granted on a more than regular basis and therefore I have decided that every night when I pass through the intersection at Avenue Wagram and look to my right and see the Arc de Triumph, that I am going to choose to be thankful for the many blessings in my life. Every time I see this monument, it is going to renew a spirit of thankfulness and positivity.

And yesterday, I had a friend come over for lunch (yes, I cooked) and she brought me a sewing machine (so excited) and a hammer and nails and a screw driver (which made my life 10 x's better) so now my painting is hanging on my wall and the chair I bought myself at Ikea a week ago can now be used as a chair.

And while I truly do enjoy a rainy Parisian day, I do not enjoy the fact the rain feels the need to enter into my apartment. Grrr to useless windows that do not do their job. :-)

Well, I hope you all are enjoying a fabulous Thursday. It's almost the week end and that is something ot be thankful for. And 6.5 weeks until I am reunited with my family after a really long (or sometimes it seems short) year apart. (Are ya'll ready for all my European-ness?)

Love, yours truly

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