Cinco de Mayo = party and kara learning how to make homemade
tortillas. I love the Mexicans.
A little over a month ago the French had their presidential elections and so now there is a new president here. The elections are so different from that in the US. First of all, the primaries are held 2 weeks before the election and both are held on Sundays. No mess of early voting (that i'm aware of) or hanging chads, one day of voting and voila! you just know. And maybe its that I've never lived in the capital city or near much politics but I happened upon the Champs Elysees the night the results were revealed and it was mayham. Cars honking and driving crazy, people hanging out of their cars and running around. It was chaos. The street was lined with the military to keep people from actually running around the streets. Definitely a first for me.
And then one night my friends and I decided to go out dancing. The first picture is of me and 2 of my friends in my itty bitty elevator that says it holds max 2 people. I know understand why. :-) And we had a little party at my apartment before we went out dancing and I decided to be the southern host that I know how to be and whipped up a pie for all my friends. Probably not the most typical thing to offer your friends in this scenario but it was good so there wasn't any complaining. And lastly, Pedro and I with the worlds largest crepe we ordered after a long night out. How he finished this crepe I will never know but it was big.
Thats all.
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