Sunday, March 10


Hi. My name is Kara and I'm addicted to traveling.

If I admit it, what's supposed to happen next? Am I supposed to be cured? because I definitely don't want that. But being honest is the best way to live life, so there it is. The honest truth.

It has been about 8 months since I first moved back to the States and 5 since I officially moved back (if we're being technical, and I am) and I am taking a vacation (from what you may ask? I'm not sure) and going to Paris to visit for two weeks. No, its not my spring break vacation, just a vacation that happens to fall on my birthday.

Another thing I must admit: (I think i admitted this already) I had the inability to buy a plane ticket and be completely satisfied with it or a correct ticket. While we're admitting, one time I wanted to fly from Hou-Albuquerque-Hou and TWICE I booked a ticket from Albuquerque to Houston and back. Twice! Finally, the third time was a charm and I got it right, but wow. One time I booked a ticket to fly Jan 31 instead of Dec 31. That was a close one, thank goodness for kind and understanding airline check out attendants or I would've been stuck where I was for a month. Lately, I've just booked tickets and decided to change them last minute.

My latest decision came when I decided late last night to bump up my leave date 5 days. Did I mention I also decided to stay in Paris longer the last time I was there and changed that ticket as well? Did I mention that Air France is awesome and you only have to pay a fee to change the flight, not the difference in ticket prices. awesome.

And I am so excited to be reunited with some of the best friends I've ever had and my favorite city ever that it's Sunday night (before I leave on Thursday) and I am already packing. Never has that ever happened. I am very much a pack-the-night-before-i-leave type person.

So, there we have it. The confessions of a traveling addict. And I'm sorry I'm not sorry but I do not hope to be cured of this addiction soon. (more on that later)

Over and out.

Saturday, March 9

Joel Howard

I want to introduce the blogging world the newest member of my family; my nephew Joel Howard. He was born last weekend, March 2 (Texas Independence Day) at 3:16pm. I am super excited to be a first time aunt. :-)

I am so in love and I can't wait for us to bond and for me to be able to teach him all the cool things that aunts are supposed to teach their nephews! I've already told him that he will learn to like cuddling with me and we will have special play dates when he gets older and I will buy him ice cream for lunch.

So, this is who is occupying my families time these days. :-)

Blog Award...

My friend Alyssa gave me a blog award because, according to her, she wants me to keep up with my blog. I thought that even though I was back in the US that I'd keep blogging, come on now, my life wasn't only interesting because I was living in some far off land. But that was just it. My life here has been a lot less interesting and I've lacked the dedication to blog when I can easily call or see the people I used to blog for. In any case, Alyssa gave me an award and I have no reason why not....

The Rules
1. List 11 facts about yourself.

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.

3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.

4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.

5. Go to each blogger's page and let them know about the award.

6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

So, here we go...

11 Facts about me:

1. I attended 5 different colleges/universities before finally graduating. Talk about a headache when needing transcripts...
2. This year will be my 5th consecutive birthday spent in Paris. The first two were on vacation, the second two were when I lived there, and this year will be for vacation.
3. My favorite food is pizza. Preferably cheese pizza. 
4. I don't believe in saving for a rainy day. My bank account proves that. 
5. I give everyone nick names. My favorite given nickname is my not-yet-born nephew, we call him chubbs.
6. My two best friends are British and both live in Paris. 
7. I travel with my sheets. At bare minimum I always bring my pillow case (even to really nice hotels).
8. I am the opposite of a hoarder. 
9. I am obsessed with mullets. :-) They have this way of bringing a smile to my face and usually a giggle as well. How can you not laugh at the sight of a mullet?
10. I watch the bachelor religiously. I don't miss an episode, not even when I lived in France.
11. I am horrible at being able to purchase a the "right" plane ticket. I either end up paying to change my flight because I change my mind on when I want to travel, or I just book the completely wrong flight (ie, location, date, etc.) seriously, with the amount i've traveled you'd think i'd be better at it but i am not. :-( haha

Questions for YOU to Answer

1.  If you were a color, what color would you be?
I would be the color plum. It's my favorite color and I think its a bright and cheery color without being too bright.

2.  Why do you blog?
I haven't blogged in a few months but I was blogging while I lived in Paris. Part to help keep my family and friends updated since it was impossible to by phone or email on a regular basis, and part was for my sake. I needed an outlet and I wanted to have a diary of sorts to remember all the things I did or things that happened to me. It's great to go back and read how I felt when I first moved there and think about how crazy I was at times.

3.  Where do you see yourself in ten years?
NO IDEA! If you had asked me this 10 years ago I would have told you married with a family. Now, I say, possibly married, possibly not, hopefully living in another country working to make other peoples lives better.

4.  What would be your ideal date?
My ideal date would be one that is simple yet very me. For instance, one of my high school boyfriends bought us mexican food to go eat at the park because I love going to the park. One of the guys I dated in college brought me a slice of cheesecake one night because I love cheesecake. Simplicity with meaning is my ideal date.

5.  What are your hobbies?
Learning/speaking French, traveling, sewing, reading, hiking

6.  Who do you look up to and why?
I am really close with my mother and its been great being back at home with her. She is pretty much my best friend and confidant these days. I admire her for her patience in her marriage (I have never seen my parents yell at each other no matter how mad they might have gotten, usually thanks to the 13 yr old me) and for her ability to love me and support me through all my crazy ideas, adventures and nonsense. I can only imagine what type of mother I would have been if I were her and had to deal with a child like me.

7.  What are you reading (online and in print?)
In print I am reading Calm My Anxious Heart: a womens guide to finding contentment (so good for all women, no matter who you are!) and two of my favorite blogs to read are: & Really fun blogs to read in my opinion.

8.  What is your comfort food?
Chocolate with almonds.

9.  Cats or dogs?

10.  What do you do to relax?
Pray. Watch tv. Sleep.

11.  If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Highest on my list, its between Africa (French speaking area) or India/Thailand...I know, thats a lot, but I so badly want to go to all three and India/Thailand is one because I can't decide which I'd want to go to if I was on that side of the world. Also, Canada is pretty high on my list right now and it seems more attainable on the budget I have these days. But Paris will always hold a special place in my heart and because my best friends all live there, it might be the most visited in the future. :-)

So I am going to be lame and not continue with the passing of this award since I'm the loner type blogger who only blogs and doesn't really follow or participate in others blogs, so there. If you still read this blog (bless your heart) and would like to keep this award going then let me know and I'd love to pass it along and follow it up with the homemade questions but if not, those of you who might still be reading this just learned a few new things about me.

I have, however, decided that I do want to try and start writing more in this for the diary purpose. So, let's get on it.... Hope you see you back here again soon!!!