Hi. My name is Kara and I'm addicted to traveling.
If I admit it, what's supposed to happen next? Am I supposed to be cured? because I definitely don't want that. But being honest is the best way to live life, so there it is. The honest truth.
It has been about 8 months since I first moved back to the States and 5 since I officially moved back (if we're being technical, and I am) and I am taking a vacation (from what you may ask? I'm not sure) and going to Paris to visit for two weeks. No, its not my spring break vacation, just a vacation that happens to fall on my birthday.
Another thing I must admit: (I think i admitted this already) I had the inability to buy a plane ticket and be completely satisfied with it or a correct ticket. While we're admitting, one time I wanted to fly from Hou-Albuquerque-Hou and TWICE I booked a ticket from Albuquerque to Houston and back. Twice! Finally, the third time was a charm and I got it right, but wow. One time I booked a ticket to fly Jan 31 instead of Dec 31. That was a close one, thank goodness for kind and understanding airline check out attendants or I would've been stuck where I was for a month. Lately, I've just booked tickets and decided to change them last minute.
My latest decision came when I decided late last night to bump up my leave date 5 days. Did I mention I also decided to stay in Paris longer the last time I was there and changed that ticket as well? Did I mention that Air France is awesome and you only have to pay a fee to change the flight, not the difference in ticket prices. awesome.
And I am so excited to be reunited with some of the best friends I've ever had and my favorite city ever that it's Sunday night (before I leave on Thursday) and I am already packing. Never has that ever happened. I am very much a pack-the-night-before-i-leave type person.
So, there we have it. The confessions of a traveling addict. And I'm sorry I'm not sorry but I do not hope to be cured of this addiction soon. (more on that later)
Over and out.
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