Monday, May 10

are you serious?

I have a history of making stupid mistakes...OFTEN! The most recent ones I can remember have been in booking tickets or missing flights. Yea, money making mistakes. So this past December I spent about 17 days in New Mexico visiting family and on December 31 I was to fly from Albuquerque to Houston where I was to go to a New Years Eve party and then the very next morning I was going to get up and move to Dallas and then a few hours later leave for the long hike to Atlanta, Georgia. Clearly there was no time for mistakes because I couldn't miss a beat of those few days or it would be a ripple effect. First of all, in booking my ticket in October, I first booked a round trip ticket from NM to TX and then back to NM. Smarrrrt one! Then instead of canceling my ticket and reusing the money (the ticket was unrefundable but the funds could be used again towards a new ticket), I just charge ANOTHER plane ticket to the credit card. What? I charged over 600 dollars to my Mom's credit card in less than 5 minutes. Oops! At least I booked the correct ticket the second time...or so I thought. December 30 rolls around and I was online trying to check in early for my flight the next day and could not, for the life of me, figure out why it would not let me check in. On my way to the airport the next day (December 31), my cousin realizes that I had booked my ticket for JANUARY 31, not DECEMBER 31. Remember when I told you earlier that I could NOT miss that flight? Oh yea!!! Luckily the stars alligned and God was on my side and knew I had places to be and people to see and the lady at the checkout counter was VERY gracious and putme on the next plane home understanding that clearly it was just a mistake of pure stupidity and unintentional. I made it home 1 flight change and layer and two hours later than expected. I then was in Atlanta, Georgia the very next week and was to catch a flight back to Dallas and was not up-to-date with my American Airlines regulations about checking in 30 minutes prior to the flight and totally missed that flight. I am used to Southwest and how they are freaking AMAZING and allow you to walk on the flight with 2 minutes to spare. Plus, I am used to the most amazing airport being 5 minutes from my apartment and the security line being non existent because they are efficent and keep it moving. I got lucky again and was put on stand-by for the next flight and was only a few hours later than expected. (I have lots of experience waiting in airports if you didn't notice).
Now my most current story does not involve a plane ticket or airport, hopefully, but it involves getting my French Visa from the French Consulate. I realize TODAY, 4 days before I thought I was scheduled to go to the consulate and take care of business, that I had booked an appointment for the Washington DC consulate and NOT the Houston Consulate. Oops! Thats a BIG oops! The next available time between my schedule and the Consulate's schedule is June 11 at 8:30am. What???? Oh Lord have Mercy! Can anyone be any more clutzy than myself????
All I have to say is that I am working on my patience skills right now because in all these instances I have no one to blame by myself! I guess the one good thing that comes out of all this stupidity is that it makes for a good story at the end...sometimes! haha.

Hope everyone is having a good week!!!
So CHEERS to ***learning from your mistakes, being able to laugh about it and learn not to repeat them ever again***

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