Thursday, May 13


May 13 marks the LAST time I will ever have to drive up to Denton EVER again while being a student! WOOO HOOO! Good-bye driving 40 miles each way 4 days a week to go to classes. So long to being best friends with the people who work at the gas station across the street from my house because I go 3-4 times a week. So long professors, being a number in a system, viewed by my GPA and SO LONG looming cloud that has hung over my head for the past five years!

HELLLOOOOOO reading all the time the books I want to read and studying the subjects I want to study (FRENCH). HELLLLOOOO to hanging out with friends and family whenever I want and getting a real job. Even though that real job is being a nanny in Paris...but who said I had to grow up right away? Helllloooo to adulthood and freedom!

AND HELLLOOOOOO Hong Kong and Paris! You await me with open arms and I can't wait to be embraced by all the experiences and memories you have waiting for me! I can't wait to spend many hours getting lost in your ways and learning your cultures and food.

I think I would take a 20 hour flight to China over studying for a test ANY DAY! And I hate sitting still for any length of time.

I have so much more to post, like how the Lord is working wonders in my life to get me over to Paris, but right now my bed awaits me and my eyes are half closed. (My bed that is, is a blanket on the floor...haha).

Oh, and gooood byyeee to my last FINAL of my life... whoooppeeeee!!!

PS. I turn in my application for graduation tomorrow! :-D

CHEEERRSSSS to now appreciating the past for what it was, looking onward to the future, and living in the freaking RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW moment!

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