Tuesday, June 1

Hong Kongggg

Meet my Chinese boyfriend, Conan. And Fannie is the Chinese girl above and to the left. They were our transltors while in China and have become some dear people to me! I still keep in touch with Conan on a regular basis.

Our first experience with Dim Sum, one of A LOT, on our first day in Hong Kong. Needless to say, we ate a lot of Chinese food and I do not miss it being back back in the States. :-)

Hello from Hong Kong. If this were any other other country I probably would've said "hello" in that language but I do not know how to say or spell hello in Chinese so I give up. There is only one more day of being in Hong Kong before I am on a plane back to Texas and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. :-D I have had such a great time and experienced SO much and made so many great memories, but girl, I am so ready for a Dr. Pepper and some guacamole. Fatigue hit me TODAY and after I woke up from a two-hour nap I was in a sour mood and ready to be back in my own bed and wash my clothes and drink tap water! Let me tell you though, if anyone reads this, if you have any reservations about Hong Kong or Chinese people, forget it all and go on a vaca to Hong Kong. It's a lot like New York City (so they say) except there are a lot more Asians than any other type of person, but nearly everywhere you go you can find at least one person if not more who speak English. It's really fun to meet the Asians who's have Australian accents because they studied there! haha. Anyways, like I said, I have had a great experience and I will not soon forget anything that has happened while being here! My parents are amazing for giving me such a great opportunity and I couldn't even begin to express my gratitude for everything they have afforded me in this experience.

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