Friday, October 29

bonne vacances

hello my people.
its been a while it seems like i wrote anything and i have quite a bit to update on but as of right now i am in a friend apartment between voiltaire and saint ambroise and i'm running to late to go help a friend set up for her birthday party. oh sweet, and as i was sitting down to write a quite note some sweet (haha) frenchies showed up at my friend apartment because she has some work she needs done. thanks, i was planning on changing clothes. i guess not now!

just wanted to say i am on holiday now. its been a fabulous first holiday in france filled with sleep overs, monet's garden, lots of rendez vous's, parties and not much relaxing. its been a tad bit on the cold side but not ridiculously cold this week which is nice and i'm still working on creating the perfect winter wardrobe so that when the cold decides to leave i still have all my fingers and toes intact.

oh and i am learning french. like really learning. on my way to being fluent, ha! but really. one day. i have faith and i am staying positive. slow and steady but pushing on.

thats all for now, my friends await and i have a schedule to keep up with.

miss you all so much but an slightly jealous of the weather you are having right now. blah for having to wear 5 layers of clothing just to sleep well at night.
love me

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