Monday, October 11

I am...

Hi, my name used to be Kara, now it is Kara Lynn (one name) pronounced Car-a L-Eeeen. (legally)
*I used to drive a small SUV, now I am happy walking or with my Navigo, which takes me all over the city on the metro.
*I used to live close to downtown and now I live in zone 5.
*Eating out and large portions were a regular in my diet, now I eat at home and small portions work just fine.
*Speaking spangish and slang were a daily way of living, now struggling to understand whats going on around me is normal.
*I now have a weekend home near to Le Arc d'Triumph which is a necessity.
*I used to dream of traveling, now the world is at my fingertips. (quite literally)

They (whoever THEY are) say that there is a culture shock process, much like the greivance process, you must go through in order to adapt to your new life in a healthy way. There are steps such as the honeymoon stage, hating it, loving it, noticing all the differences, etc...
I think I am working through them all and I think it really does exist. I knew when I moved to France that it would be a major life change and there would be a lot of differences, but boy-howdy, I had no clue just HOW different my life would be. I notice every difference between the French and Americans (or how I was raised) and it gets quite frustrating at times. I miss doing things "my" way, the "right" way, the "American" way... or was it just the more "familiar" way, the "easy" way for ME? I love this country and I love most of its people and ways of life, but right now my struggle is finding how to blend the old me with the new me to where all of me is a happy me. (bad sentence, sorry!) I want to be of this culture, not so much that I loose who I was before, so right now I am learning what is necessary to adapt to and what I can appreciate about other people but find ok to not have to change about myself.

This weekend, on a different note, was amazing! Well, most of it was! My aunt was still in town (she left this morning, or at least I hope she made her flight ok) yesterday so after an awesome morning of church I was able to meet up with her for some more chatting and eating and walking. She went with me to pick up a friend from the train station and I was so excited that she was able to meet a friend of mine. We went and had dinner together and had a great, relaxed dinner at a no-name cafe in a partially shady area of town, but it was one of the best meals yet. I am glad that my two worlds were able to collide, even if it was just for a few hours.

I signed up for a few conferences last night that my church attends on a yearly basis so now I feel more connected and involved and like I have something big to look forward to. They are both Christian conferences held in London, one is in April of next year and the other is in July of next year. Yay for going to London (ha, I told myself coming over here that I would avoid London at all costs, how is that working out for me you ask???).

And... I had my BEST meal yet on Saturday evening. Random restaurant, looked good, was hungry, walked in, sat down, ordered, hoped for the best and the best is how to describe it! Nice sized portion, great tasting, good atmosphere (really close to the Eiffel Tower), not bad prices, and good company! Saturday night was full of new adventures with new friends and great experiences!

I am blessed! And I try to not take any of those blessings for granted.

I miss you guys and am actually thinking of when I could possibly come year :-)
And I am thinking of bringing a friend with me (no worries, she's a she...)!!!!

Have a great week my favorite Americans...

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