I just bought a Christmas album on iTunes as I forgot to bring some with me and its after Thanksgiving, its a necessity!!!
I knew this move would be hard and being away from family would be hard but it has been surprisingly easy! Only because I have been able to create a family here in France and surrounded myself with some amazing people. But listening to these songs brings back a lot of memories and a lot of feelings and I just want to admit something, I am missing you guys a lot and am going to miss you guys A LOT at Christmas!! I am excited to be making new memories with a new family and that is part of the growing up process, but know that I will be with you all in my heart!
So tonight, I dedicate this song to all my family and friends:
(And if you shed a tear while listening, its ok, I did...)
I'll Be Home For Christmas
I'm dreamin' tonight of a place I love
Even more than I usually do
And although I know it's a long road back
I promise you
I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents under the tree
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light beams
I'll be home for Christmas
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light beams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams
If only in my dreams
Love, ME
Monday, November 29
Good morning...
SNOW??!!!!??!?! (For a second there I couldn't find the "w", haha. It's in a different place on my phone since I have a French phone so anyways, random fact of the day)
Yes, Good morning SNOW!!!! It has been snowing off and on for the past several days, since Thanksgiving actually, when it was forecasted. But it has not snowed enough to show really. Just a few iced over leaves and a wet ground, which is actually pretty normal here. The wet ground, not the iced over leaves. But this morning...wow, everything is covered in snow. About an inch at most but its all white. So pretty!!! I should get out with my camera and go take pictures but for now you get a photo taken from phone which was taken through a window which is reflecting back the kitchen so sorry that its a bit...(insert word I can't think of right now, here!)
Anyways, This past week as 100 percent of you people know was THANKSGIVING. I feel as though I made a few hundred posts about what i was thankful and still didn't even hit the tip of the iceburg on everything. I don't know what it is but I have had a life change since moving here and maybe its because I no longer in "school" or have finally found where I really belong (for now) or that there is always a new adventure right around the corner or that I am loving every aspect about life, but my heart is constantly overflowing with reasons and things to be thankful for and it is confined to the one week of Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for the life that I have and the opportunities that I have and the friends and family that I have and every little detail about my life and how God orchestrated it all just for me and for his glory. Blows my mind.
But anyways, this week I had the pleasure of celebrating Thanksgiving FOUR times with four different sets of friends and in four different ways and it was amazingly fabulous!!! This Saturday was probably my most memorable and favorite experience of the four because it was the one that was most like home. A girl (and friend) from my connect group (bi-monthly bible study) invited everyone to her house (she lives in the suburbs not too far from me) to have a Thanksgiving feast there. She is French but she lived in the States for 8 or so years and very happily adopted a lot of American traditions, Thanksgiving being one of them. It was a more intimate atmosphere and I knew more of the people and while the food was the least like what I have had in the past years with my family, i realized it was the company that made it the most like home. And the funny part was that of the people there, there were only 5 or so Americans and that was the least amount of Americans at any of my other Thanksgivings, yet it felt the most like home. Anyways, it was an exhausting yet fabulous day of eating and having fun and expressing our thankfullness and eating some more.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with my neighbors and some of their friends. My neighbors I met a while ago when I was outside and heard some "american english" as I call it and decided to eventually go over and meet them. This was when I first moved here and american english was very enticing! anyways, they are a very sweet family comprised of a french mom, spanish father and american children. The mom and dad met in the States and had their kids in the states and moved back to France about 8 years ago they said so they are very much a multicultural family. They are all tri lingual which is amazing and the children all go to the international school in the area for french and english. anyways, they spend thanksgiving every year with another family that they have known since they were living in the states that is made up of an american mom and a french father and i think the kids were born in france but heck if i know. anyways, that was an experience in and of itself. a fabulous one, but definitely one for the memory books!!! The whole evening was a random mixture of french and english and sometimes spanish depending on who was talking and who they were talking to and i loved it!!! And i loved being able to have a glimpse inside another french-ish family and how they do life. What was really cool was that my neighbor knows that I am a Christian and that church is important to me and so they asked me to say the prayer before we ate the meal and I was honored to do so. They were very inspired by my prayer (Even though it was from the heart and i meant every word of it) and were thankful for that.
All in all, this weekend was crazy busy and hectic but I would have to say that while I do and did miss everyone back home and bummed I couldn't be there to spend thanksgiving together, my first one away from home was not lacking in any way!!! I had turkey three times, a few other cultural dishes, heard different stories and experienced different things. My life here is more than I could have ever dreamt of or thought of for myself. It exceedes my expectations and dreams and I am forever thankful and grateful to God who has allowed for this but also to everyone who has opened their arms and their homes (no matter how big or how small haha) to me.
I'm off to go play in this snow before it melts away!!!!!!!
LOVE moi
Yes, Good morning SNOW!!!! It has been snowing off and on for the past several days, since Thanksgiving actually, when it was forecasted. But it has not snowed enough to show really. Just a few iced over leaves and a wet ground, which is actually pretty normal here. The wet ground, not the iced over leaves. But this morning...wow, everything is covered in snow. About an inch at most but its all white. So pretty!!! I should get out with my camera and go take pictures but for now you get a photo taken from phone which was taken through a window which is reflecting back the kitchen so sorry that its a bit...(insert word I can't think of right now, here!)
Anyways, This past week as 100 percent of you people know was THANKSGIVING. I feel as though I made a few hundred posts about what i was thankful and still didn't even hit the tip of the iceburg on everything. I don't know what it is but I have had a life change since moving here and maybe its because I no longer in "school" or have finally found where I really belong (for now) or that there is always a new adventure right around the corner or that I am loving every aspect about life, but my heart is constantly overflowing with reasons and things to be thankful for and it is confined to the one week of Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for the life that I have and the opportunities that I have and the friends and family that I have and every little detail about my life and how God orchestrated it all just for me and for his glory. Blows my mind.
But anyways, this week I had the pleasure of celebrating Thanksgiving FOUR times with four different sets of friends and in four different ways and it was amazingly fabulous!!! This Saturday was probably my most memorable and favorite experience of the four because it was the one that was most like home. A girl (and friend) from my connect group (bi-monthly bible study) invited everyone to her house (she lives in the suburbs not too far from me) to have a Thanksgiving feast there. She is French but she lived in the States for 8 or so years and very happily adopted a lot of American traditions, Thanksgiving being one of them. It was a more intimate atmosphere and I knew more of the people and while the food was the least like what I have had in the past years with my family, i realized it was the company that made it the most like home. And the funny part was that of the people there, there were only 5 or so Americans and that was the least amount of Americans at any of my other Thanksgivings, yet it felt the most like home. Anyways, it was an exhausting yet fabulous day of eating and having fun and expressing our thankfullness and eating some more.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with my neighbors and some of their friends. My neighbors I met a while ago when I was outside and heard some "american english" as I call it and decided to eventually go over and meet them. This was when I first moved here and american english was very enticing! anyways, they are a very sweet family comprised of a french mom, spanish father and american children. The mom and dad met in the States and had their kids in the states and moved back to France about 8 years ago they said so they are very much a multicultural family. They are all tri lingual which is amazing and the children all go to the international school in the area for french and english. anyways, they spend thanksgiving every year with another family that they have known since they were living in the states that is made up of an american mom and a french father and i think the kids were born in france but heck if i know. anyways, that was an experience in and of itself. a fabulous one, but definitely one for the memory books!!! The whole evening was a random mixture of french and english and sometimes spanish depending on who was talking and who they were talking to and i loved it!!! And i loved being able to have a glimpse inside another french-ish family and how they do life. What was really cool was that my neighbor knows that I am a Christian and that church is important to me and so they asked me to say the prayer before we ate the meal and I was honored to do so. They were very inspired by my prayer (Even though it was from the heart and i meant every word of it) and were thankful for that.
All in all, this weekend was crazy busy and hectic but I would have to say that while I do and did miss everyone back home and bummed I couldn't be there to spend thanksgiving together, my first one away from home was not lacking in any way!!! I had turkey three times, a few other cultural dishes, heard different stories and experienced different things. My life here is more than I could have ever dreamt of or thought of for myself. It exceedes my expectations and dreams and I am forever thankful and grateful to God who has allowed for this but also to everyone who has opened their arms and their homes (no matter how big or how small haha) to me.
I'm off to go play in this snow before it melts away!!!!!!!
LOVE moi
Friday, November 26
black friday
happy black friday to all my favorite americans.
here in the land of weird-o french people, we don't have things like sales and black friday and everyone going to wal mart to buy things that are reduced by 10% and crazy lines and unbuttoned pants because we ate too much turkey.
we do on the other hand have OUR FIRST SIGHT OF SNOWWWW!!!!!!
so today it has been snowing randomly and its burrrr cold and while i hate the cold and wish the heater was turned on a little higher in this house i am in, i love sitting from within and watching it fall. how beauiful!!!
i celebrated thanksgiving last night at a friends apartment and she bought a really huge turkey and it looked great and tasted even better and it was fabulous and my green bean casserole has been a hit everywhere. fabulousity!!!
i'm off toinght to go party like its 1999 and then celebrate 2 more thanksgivings before the weekend is over!!!
hope you are relaxing or going to relax some post whatever you did to celebrate this week.
love, me
here in the land of weird-o french people, we don't have things like sales and black friday and everyone going to wal mart to buy things that are reduced by 10% and crazy lines and unbuttoned pants because we ate too much turkey.
we do on the other hand have OUR FIRST SIGHT OF SNOWWWW!!!!!!
so today it has been snowing randomly and its burrrr cold and while i hate the cold and wish the heater was turned on a little higher in this house i am in, i love sitting from within and watching it fall. how beauiful!!!
i celebrated thanksgiving last night at a friends apartment and she bought a really huge turkey and it looked great and tasted even better and it was fabulous and my green bean casserole has been a hit everywhere. fabulousity!!!
i'm off toinght to go party like its 1999 and then celebrate 2 more thanksgivings before the weekend is over!!!
hope you are relaxing or going to relax some post whatever you did to celebrate this week.
love, me
Thursday, November 25
I am THANKFULL for so many things this year
I am thankful for my parents and family and close friends (back home) who have been so supportive of my move here to Paris! It truely would not have been the same if I didn't have all the love and support back home.
I am thankful for all my friends and family who have written me cards or mailed me packages since I have been here. That means the world to me. (speaking of, i received THREE today in the mail... thats awesome!)
I am thankful for God and all that he has done in my life, from providing the smallest wants to the largest necessities. That he gave me such a wonderful dream and has fulfilled it to the fullest. I am thankful that I can go to him with anything and he provides for me and listens to me and loves me, despite what I am going through!
I am thankful for my church here. My experience would not be the same or as enjoyable if it weren't for that blessing!
I am thankful for the family I work for. It may not always be my ideal situation (although its a great one) but they have done so much for me and provided me with a job to be able to live here.
I am thankful for: knitting, living in the suburbs, skype, warm winter coats, cameras to capture memories, metros, fresh baguettes, 5-star breakfasts, friends who let me stay with them every weekend, my blackberry (and I say this because of BB messenger and WhatsApp which allows me to keep in touch with people in the US a lot easier), hugs, and the ability to go home for NYE!
I am so thankful for this time of the year and this season of my life and where I am and what all I have accomplished and to be able to realize how blessed I am by the people in my life and that without them, life would not be as much fun!!!
I hope this week as you go through each day, you remember where you are, what you have and who you have around you and are able to find something to be thankful for in the midst of all the fastpaced lives and busy-ness that we are surrounded with daily!
Have a HAPPY TURKEY DAY everyone! Me
Wednesday, November 24
in the spirit of the holiday...
I have already started a "thanksgiving" post including a lot of things I am thankful for this year. I have so many things to be thankful for that its impossible to remember them all, but I am trying.
And then today has just been so wonderful that I feel the need to share with you.
1. It's a B.e.a.utiful day outside today. This is something to be especially thankful for because it has a tendency to rain a lot her, as in, for the past 2 weeks it has rained almost every single day and been incredibly overcast, and those are two of my least favorite things. So to be able to enjoy a beautiful day today is such a blessing!
2. Clemence, my 4 yr old, told Rachel (my host mom) today that I understand French good now. haha. So cute.
3. I bought a memory card for my blackberry this weekend and it has changed my life. first, my pictures are better quality, but i just learned that you can put music AND sermons on your phone. so now i can listen to my pastor back home preach while i am on the metro for 2 hours at a time. I am so thankful for such small but such amazing inventions.
4. I am listening to christmas music on my computer right now, yes, its a bit odd as its kenny chesney christmas, "all i want for christmas is a real good tan..." (unfortunately thats the only christmas cd i seem to have downloaded on my computer before i left, anyone want to mail me some christmas music please?) but its putting me in the mood for all things christmas.
5. I had such a wonderful skype chat with my friend Alyssa last night and I am still in a good mood from that. :-) There is nothing like being able to reconnect with such wonderful friends, even though we may be miles and miles away, there is nothing like old friends to bring your spirits up.
6. and lastly, on wednesdays my host mom goes to the grocery store in the morning and then cooks lunch and I always look forward to lunch this day because its always fresh groceries and premium meat and so delish! So I thankful for Wednesday lunches!!!
7. I am thankful for peace and quiet moments during the daylight, like right now! My host mom and kids are off at classe du musique and le foot and I am here, enjoying the sun shining in my room and one window open. (the sun sets at 4:30/5pm these days so these moments are rare)
Well, i hope you all are able to find many things that you are thankful for this year and this season. I am so very thankful for each and every one of you who reads this because you care what is going on and for all of you who have continued to keep in touch with me despite the time difference and the miles between us, and for all the constant prayers and support!!!
Love, ME! <3
And then today has just been so wonderful that I feel the need to share with you.
1. It's a B.e.a.utiful day outside today. This is something to be especially thankful for because it has a tendency to rain a lot her, as in, for the past 2 weeks it has rained almost every single day and been incredibly overcast, and those are two of my least favorite things. So to be able to enjoy a beautiful day today is such a blessing!
2. Clemence, my 4 yr old, told Rachel (my host mom) today that I understand French good now. haha. So cute.
3. I bought a memory card for my blackberry this weekend and it has changed my life. first, my pictures are better quality, but i just learned that you can put music AND sermons on your phone. so now i can listen to my pastor back home preach while i am on the metro for 2 hours at a time. I am so thankful for such small but such amazing inventions.
4. I am listening to christmas music on my computer right now, yes, its a bit odd as its kenny chesney christmas, "all i want for christmas is a real good tan..." (unfortunately thats the only christmas cd i seem to have downloaded on my computer before i left, anyone want to mail me some christmas music please?) but its putting me in the mood for all things christmas.
5. I had such a wonderful skype chat with my friend Alyssa last night and I am still in a good mood from that. :-) There is nothing like being able to reconnect with such wonderful friends, even though we may be miles and miles away, there is nothing like old friends to bring your spirits up.
6. and lastly, on wednesdays my host mom goes to the grocery store in the morning and then cooks lunch and I always look forward to lunch this day because its always fresh groceries and premium meat and so delish! So I thankful for Wednesday lunches!!!
7. I am thankful for peace and quiet moments during the daylight, like right now! My host mom and kids are off at classe du musique and le foot and I am here, enjoying the sun shining in my room and one window open. (the sun sets at 4:30/5pm these days so these moments are rare)
Well, i hope you all are able to find many things that you are thankful for this year and this season. I am so very thankful for each and every one of you who reads this because you care what is going on and for all of you who have continued to keep in touch with me despite the time difference and the miles between us, and for all the constant prayers and support!!!
Love, ME! <3
Tuesday, November 23
Yay for accomplishing a lot this week.
I have yet to come home from taking the kids to school and sleep. That is an accomplishment.
I am so happy today because I was finally able to skype with my favorite Alyssa!!!! I miss her so much and our schedules don't match up so I hadn't really spoken to her in forever. I miss our Thursday dinners, a lot!
Tomorrow is Wednesday and Thursday is THANKSGIVING!
Since its an American holiday, does that mean I can miss school (langauge class)?? I mean, everyone else misses school on their holidays...muslims, jews, etc.... so it may not be a religious holiday but it might as well be ... or not, but come on now... day off school to, I don't know, think of all the things I am thankful for? That makes sense, right???
Anyways, I am excited to celebrate Thanksgiving here so bring it on already!
I was thinking more about my trip home soon and have almost forgotten about Vienna. I thought I might do some research of things I want to do while I am there but my friend already said she has a schedule for us so hopefully its good!!
LOVE and thankfullness all being sent in your direction....muahhhhh
love, me
I have yet to come home from taking the kids to school and sleep. That is an accomplishment.
I am so happy today because I was finally able to skype with my favorite Alyssa!!!! I miss her so much and our schedules don't match up so I hadn't really spoken to her in forever. I miss our Thursday dinners, a lot!
Tomorrow is Wednesday and Thursday is THANKSGIVING!
Since its an American holiday, does that mean I can miss school (langauge class)?? I mean, everyone else misses school on their holidays...muslims, jews, etc.... so it may not be a religious holiday but it might as well be ... or not, but come on now... day off school to, I don't know, think of all the things I am thankful for? That makes sense, right???
Anyways, I am excited to celebrate Thanksgiving here so bring it on already!
I was thinking more about my trip home soon and have almost forgotten about Vienna. I thought I might do some research of things I want to do while I am there but my friend already said she has a schedule for us so hopefully its good!!
LOVE and thankfullness all being sent in your direction....muahhhhh
love, me
Monday, November 22
and finally...
what you've all been waiting for...my weekend!!!
This weekend was fabulous. It definitely trumps all the previous ones and this is too often the case. Dang Paris and being so cool!!!
This week I was working with a full schedule, a list of errands to run, and not a whole lot of time to do it in. But somehow, God is way too good, and he not only helped me to accomplish all my errands but allowed for some down time in there as well. How fabulous!!!
Friday night I had been invited to two places at the same time and was able to fully enjoy a glass of wine with a few friends at their apartment and then enjoy another drink with different friends at a different place! What happened that night was not all that interesting unless you know where I went and who I was with and it made sense but it won't so I won't bore you! Just leave it at, it was a late night, one of my firsts in this city (gasp) and I truely enjoyed the company, the experience, my time, etc. AND I did something Friday night I have yet to do in this city: I bought fruit from a sidewalk vendor. You see people selling fruits and vegetables in the metro tunnels and right outside the metros and it always looks so delish and so the other night I caved in and bought 4 bananas for 1 euro.
I stayed at my weekend home (my friends apartment) and we woke up the next morning and as she has been spoiling me quite frequently, she cooked homemade waffles with a Norwegian waffle maker and nutella and jam. I plan on bringing back some syrup with me because call me American (becuase I am) but I just don't think that waffles or pancakes can have that A-mazing factor without some Aunt Jemima syrump. But nonetheless, it was still pretty awesome and I am blessed to get 5-star breakfasts as often as I do! (I have wonderful friends)
The rest of the day was spent with my friend Christina who lives out in the suburbs by me. She has truely been a blessing to me as she really enjoys being out in the burbs and being with her influences me to really enjoy where I live and all that is out there. I mean, I live in the boonies as I call it, past the cows and into the land of nothingness, but its amazingly beautiful out here. There are scenic routes everywhere you go, I am on a hill (a steep one) so my views are far and wide and quite beautiful, there is a large forest not too far away with trails for biking or walking, there is a beautiful lycee(high school) just down the road and i am compliaining I am not in Paris, why? So my friend and I really enjoyed an unplanned but completely wanted and enjoyed afternoon of hanging out and shopping and exploring and driving around.
Saturday night was my first of 4 (maybe 5) Thanksgivings I am to celebrate this week! My friend Adrian, who is an American but has been living in Paris for a few years, invited myself a few of her close friends over for her version of Thanksgiving. it was fabulous!!! She is an amazing cook and had all the specialities such as green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and she even bought a turkey. This is a big deal for a few reasons, the obvious (to me) is that she is a vegetarian and 2. buying turkey in France is expensive and not easy so that was such a kind thing for her to do.
I was afraid I would be competely bummed to miss Thanksgiving with my family and nothing would make up for it but I have been so blessed to create such amazing friends who are my family here that I think I am going to survive this one. Don't get me wrong, I am missing everything about this week: the build up, the decorations, the time with family, the cooking, the wassail, the time off school and work, the holiday shopping, etc, but I had 22 years of that and I think making new memories in a new place with new people is quite ok sometimes. Right?
Oh, and also, I recieved another package from my fabulous mom!!! She knew someone who was so gracious to bring a few things over from the States for me and I was able to go pick that up earlier on Saturday. I love receiving things from the States from my mom because it feels like I went shopping because I haven't seen the stuff in a while but in actuality I just went shopping in my own closet! ha! It's a bit ridiculous that I can still do that, that I have enough stuff to do that, but C'est la vie!!!
Today is Monday morning and I am in such a good mood and have a list of things to get done and I plan on uploading a bunch more photos to my computer later in the day so look forward to picture loaded post sometime this week!!! Miss you all tons!!!
Love, ME
This weekend was fabulous. It definitely trumps all the previous ones and this is too often the case. Dang Paris and being so cool!!!
This week I was working with a full schedule, a list of errands to run, and not a whole lot of time to do it in. But somehow, God is way too good, and he not only helped me to accomplish all my errands but allowed for some down time in there as well. How fabulous!!!
Friday night I had been invited to two places at the same time and was able to fully enjoy a glass of wine with a few friends at their apartment and then enjoy another drink with different friends at a different place! What happened that night was not all that interesting unless you know where I went and who I was with and it made sense but it won't so I won't bore you! Just leave it at, it was a late night, one of my firsts in this city (gasp) and I truely enjoyed the company, the experience, my time, etc. AND I did something Friday night I have yet to do in this city: I bought fruit from a sidewalk vendor. You see people selling fruits and vegetables in the metro tunnels and right outside the metros and it always looks so delish and so the other night I caved in and bought 4 bananas for 1 euro.
I stayed at my weekend home (my friends apartment) and we woke up the next morning and as she has been spoiling me quite frequently, she cooked homemade waffles with a Norwegian waffle maker and nutella and jam. I plan on bringing back some syrup with me because call me American (becuase I am) but I just don't think that waffles or pancakes can have that A-mazing factor without some Aunt Jemima syrump. But nonetheless, it was still pretty awesome and I am blessed to get 5-star breakfasts as often as I do! (I have wonderful friends)
The rest of the day was spent with my friend Christina who lives out in the suburbs by me. She has truely been a blessing to me as she really enjoys being out in the burbs and being with her influences me to really enjoy where I live and all that is out there. I mean, I live in the boonies as I call it, past the cows and into the land of nothingness, but its amazingly beautiful out here. There are scenic routes everywhere you go, I am on a hill (a steep one) so my views are far and wide and quite beautiful, there is a large forest not too far away with trails for biking or walking, there is a beautiful lycee(high school) just down the road and i am compliaining I am not in Paris, why? So my friend and I really enjoyed an unplanned but completely wanted and enjoyed afternoon of hanging out and shopping and exploring and driving around.
Saturday night was my first of 4 (maybe 5) Thanksgivings I am to celebrate this week! My friend Adrian, who is an American but has been living in Paris for a few years, invited myself a few of her close friends over for her version of Thanksgiving. it was fabulous!!! She is an amazing cook and had all the specialities such as green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and she even bought a turkey. This is a big deal for a few reasons, the obvious (to me) is that she is a vegetarian and 2. buying turkey in France is expensive and not easy so that was such a kind thing for her to do.
I was afraid I would be competely bummed to miss Thanksgiving with my family and nothing would make up for it but I have been so blessed to create such amazing friends who are my family here that I think I am going to survive this one. Don't get me wrong, I am missing everything about this week: the build up, the decorations, the time with family, the cooking, the wassail, the time off school and work, the holiday shopping, etc, but I had 22 years of that and I think making new memories in a new place with new people is quite ok sometimes. Right?
Oh, and also, I recieved another package from my fabulous mom!!! She knew someone who was so gracious to bring a few things over from the States for me and I was able to go pick that up earlier on Saturday. I love receiving things from the States from my mom because it feels like I went shopping because I haven't seen the stuff in a while but in actuality I just went shopping in my own closet! ha! It's a bit ridiculous that I can still do that, that I have enough stuff to do that, but C'est la vie!!!
Today is Monday morning and I am in such a good mood and have a list of things to get done and I plan on uploading a bunch more photos to my computer later in the day so look forward to picture loaded post sometime this week!!! Miss you all tons!!!
Love, ME
Sunday, November 21
a recap, as quickly as possible
So I just realized that in the busy-ness that was this week, I never completed another post about last week and now it doesn't seem all that interesting as I have made new memories that trump the old ones. Happens a bit too often these days. Could be worse!
So after showing around this new au pair from my town, my friend and the au pair and i split and went our seperate ways. I had plans! haha. I just made that seem so important.
Oh wait, back it up a second... the au pair and I (for the sake of not wanting to sound rude, her name is Laura). Ok, so Laura and I went to a rather large indoor mall before we split ways and as I had mentioned before that it was a tad bit ugly in the weather department this particular day, I soon realized what people do when its half rainy and very cloudy in this city: go to the mall!!! The mall was so packed I thought not another person could possibly fit inside. And fyi: Paris doesn't have air conditioning so packed anywhere is not fun.
So last Saturday night I went to a friends apartment where he was having a raclette dinner party! It was fabulous. I went with my friend who I stay with every weekend and some our mutual friends and a few news I met there. It was a great evening of drinking wine, eating cheese and cold meats, burning my finger on the raclette machine, sitting at the smallest table, and enjoying each others company! This is why I love Paris so much. Times like these.
And the weekend didn't end here: I enjoyed a wonderful morning of serving and worshiping at my church and a great lunch with friend afterwards followed by a knitting party. Yes, I knit and I love it. And I learned the word for knit this week in French class: tricoter.
On the next point of interest: this week was bi-zay! I am working on changing my life habits for the better, starting with going to bed at an earlier time because it helps me to be happier when I have to wake up to a 4 yr old whinning so loud that it makes you want to pull your lovely locks out, but it also allows me to enjoy the time I do have and be more productive than always wanting to take naps and sleep and take naps and sleep. Yay for being proactive!
This week I started an "au pair get together" in my area. It's not my thing or my idea, I am just the one who initiated it this year, but one the moms in my town mentioned that the au pairs in Chambourcy used to get together once a week at this one (of three) restaurants in our town and have a drink or order dinner and enjoy each others company. I figured it would be a great idea. I mean, we do live out in the sticks and we can't always want to stay home every night by ourselves so why not hang out together. It was fabulous! There were 7 of us all together and it was a really nice evening. We meet at an African restaurant by the town center and the guy who owns the place is a character. He is from the States but has adopted a semi-french accent and doesn't hesitate to mess with you, but all in good fun! I ordered the "house" sangria and it was fab.u.lous. I plan on trying to make this a weekly thing so whoever can come does come (including myself, i mean, i am a busy girl, i won't always be able to go...haha) and enjoy the time when we are there. I am excited about this.
Well, I will post more later because I am wanting to watch some "How I Met Your Mother" (the now version of FRIENDS which everyone here watches) and paint my nails before I study a little French and the Bible and then dormir! (sleep)
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! Despite my lack of posting about my weekend yet, which I already mentioned was fabulous, It was FABULOUS! So much stuff going on and that I am working on and doing and experiencing and I can't wait to tell you all about it! And I can't wait to see you all in such a short amount of time!!!
Oh, and I hope everyone enjoys their time off this week, so so jealous that I am not getting my normal holiday for one of my most favorite holidays ever: Thanksgiving. But no worries, I have already started my festivities and I have many more to go.
Love you all like a fat kid loves candy,
adios amiga (as i taught my 6 yr boy to say)
So after showing around this new au pair from my town, my friend and the au pair and i split and went our seperate ways. I had plans! haha. I just made that seem so important.
Oh wait, back it up a second... the au pair and I (for the sake of not wanting to sound rude, her name is Laura). Ok, so Laura and I went to a rather large indoor mall before we split ways and as I had mentioned before that it was a tad bit ugly in the weather department this particular day, I soon realized what people do when its half rainy and very cloudy in this city: go to the mall!!! The mall was so packed I thought not another person could possibly fit inside. And fyi: Paris doesn't have air conditioning so packed anywhere is not fun.
So last Saturday night I went to a friends apartment where he was having a raclette dinner party! It was fabulous. I went with my friend who I stay with every weekend and some our mutual friends and a few news I met there. It was a great evening of drinking wine, eating cheese and cold meats, burning my finger on the raclette machine, sitting at the smallest table, and enjoying each others company! This is why I love Paris so much. Times like these.
And the weekend didn't end here: I enjoyed a wonderful morning of serving and worshiping at my church and a great lunch with friend afterwards followed by a knitting party. Yes, I knit and I love it. And I learned the word for knit this week in French class: tricoter.
On the next point of interest: this week was bi-zay! I am working on changing my life habits for the better, starting with going to bed at an earlier time because it helps me to be happier when I have to wake up to a 4 yr old whinning so loud that it makes you want to pull your lovely locks out, but it also allows me to enjoy the time I do have and be more productive than always wanting to take naps and sleep and take naps and sleep. Yay for being proactive!
This week I started an "au pair get together" in my area. It's not my thing or my idea, I am just the one who initiated it this year, but one the moms in my town mentioned that the au pairs in Chambourcy used to get together once a week at this one (of three) restaurants in our town and have a drink or order dinner and enjoy each others company. I figured it would be a great idea. I mean, we do live out in the sticks and we can't always want to stay home every night by ourselves so why not hang out together. It was fabulous! There were 7 of us all together and it was a really nice evening. We meet at an African restaurant by the town center and the guy who owns the place is a character. He is from the States but has adopted a semi-french accent and doesn't hesitate to mess with you, but all in good fun! I ordered the "house" sangria and it was fab.u.lous. I plan on trying to make this a weekly thing so whoever can come does come (including myself, i mean, i am a busy girl, i won't always be able to go...haha) and enjoy the time when we are there. I am excited about this.
Well, I will post more later because I am wanting to watch some "How I Met Your Mother" (the now version of FRIENDS which everyone here watches) and paint my nails before I study a little French and the Bible and then dormir! (sleep)
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! Despite my lack of posting about my weekend yet, which I already mentioned was fabulous, It was FABULOUS! So much stuff going on and that I am working on and doing and experiencing and I can't wait to tell you all about it! And I can't wait to see you all in such a short amount of time!!!
Oh, and I hope everyone enjoys their time off this week, so so jealous that I am not getting my normal holiday for one of my most favorite holidays ever: Thanksgiving. But no worries, I have already started my festivities and I have many more to go.
Love you all like a fat kid loves candy,
adios amiga (as i taught my 6 yr boy to say)
Wednesday, November 17
its done
It's done!!
I have given myself the best late Christmas present ever...
haha, I have a thing about giving myself large gifts. For my birthday this year I gave myself a trip to France (go figure), I bought a car as my first college graduation present (not my first present but for my first college graduation), and I have justified buying other rather expensive or unnecessary items as gifts for myself in the past. This time, no need to justify, just decide and voila!!!
December 30 I arrive back in Paris from a week in Vienna and December 31st, Yes, NYE, I board another avion to the United States of America. To Houston to be exact.
Now don't get too excited, I will only be in town for three short days. But I would LOVE to see anyone who would like to come over and hang out. (And by anyone I mean, SARAH ELIZABETH!!!!! and my baby)
For three days I will blissfully be cuddling with mi madre, eating ALL the Mexican food one can stuff in one's face in three days, forgetting about the bisous, speaking ONLY english (including watching american tv), and enjoying the company of those I've had to not see for the last three months (five by the time I get home!!).
I miss y'all and love y'all, Can't wait to see you,
love, me!
I have given myself the best late Christmas present ever...
haha, I have a thing about giving myself large gifts. For my birthday this year I gave myself a trip to France (go figure), I bought a car as my first college graduation present (not my first present but for my first college graduation), and I have justified buying other rather expensive or unnecessary items as gifts for myself in the past. This time, no need to justify, just decide and voila!!!
December 30 I arrive back in Paris from a week in Vienna and December 31st, Yes, NYE, I board another avion to the United States of America. To Houston to be exact.
Now don't get too excited, I will only be in town for three short days. But I would LOVE to see anyone who would like to come over and hang out. (And by anyone I mean, SARAH ELIZABETH!!!!! and my baby)
For three days I will blissfully be cuddling with mi madre, eating ALL the Mexican food one can stuff in one's face in three days, forgetting about the bisous, speaking ONLY english (including watching american tv), and enjoying the company of those I've had to not see for the last three months (five by the time I get home!!).
I miss y'all and love y'all, Can't wait to see you,
love, me!
Monday, November 15
call me crazy
but i want to come home so bad for new years!
I know it would cost half of my savings and be only for 36 hours but i want to. so. so. so. bad.
i miss you people a lot.
i am not "homesick" but the thought of coming home and being able to see my people and celebrate the new year with my people would be divine!
make me stop thinking about it.
help me to resist the urge to spend ridiculous amounts of money on a whim.
(i don't really care about the money as much as i care about the people!)
i love you guys!
I know it would cost half of my savings and be only for 36 hours but i want to. so. so. so. bad.
i miss you people a lot.
i am not "homesick" but the thought of coming home and being able to see my people and celebrate the new year with my people would be divine!
make me stop thinking about it.
help me to resist the urge to spend ridiculous amounts of money on a whim.
(i don't really care about the money as much as i care about the people!)
i love you guys!
Sunday, November 14
not quite sure
...where to start...
I am sure my life cannot be that interesting, but I continue to get lovely letters and emails and comments about how people (mainly family) really enjoy reading about my life here so, alas, i continue to let you know my deepest and darkest secrets about surviving in Paris, and doing in style!
Since last week I have been going nonstop (as I feel is nearly ever week) as the French had yet ANOTHER holiday. I understood before I moved here that the French received a lot of vacation time (6 weeks on average) every year, but I never thought about how many national holidays they also received. After a 13 day holiday I was spent. I was physically and mentally exhausted from going and doing and seeng and visiting (poor me, right???) that I was excited to get back to a normal schedule, but I have come to learn that normal is not a word I should include in my vocabulary anymore. The very next week (this past week) was yet another holiday. One day for French kids and most adults received two days off work. I received 1.5 days off work and spent it, you guessed it, in Paris!!!
This week on Wednesday was Connect group (also known as my bi monthly Bible study) and instead of doing our regular Bible study, it was a party and instead of just any lame-o party, it was a Raclette party! I just love Raclette and I love Raclette parties! They are so fun and so fast paced and so intrusive and so personal and I just love them. I have really come to love this group of women that I get to spend every other Wednesday evening with and this week was no exception. Surprise though, my friend Lisa, who I am going to spend Christmas with in Vienna, came out of the wood-works this week as well. She has been staying busy doing other things and I hadn't seen her in close to a month and she came along to the party on Wednesday. It was so lovely seeing her.
Wednesday night Lisa and I stayed at our friend Hope's apartment. One of my friends who lives by the Arc de Triumph. We always have good times (and sleep well) when we stay there so I look forward to that as much as I do the Bible study! My friend Hope, if you don't remember or I failed to mention, is from Uganda and she and I share our love for meat with every meal and fried foods so we get along very well! She usually has meat waiting for me at her house whenever I come over, knowing that I crave it all the time. (Don't judge, I am Texan and the only fried food I can find here is McDonalds and that just doesn't suffice when I am craving TexMex).
Thursday I had the day off and have been ITCHING to get out of Paris. Paris is great but there is so much so close to Paris and so much at my fingertips (and I have been reading some blogs about traveling on the cheap and just traveling in general which has helped in my desire to expand my horizons) so I was determined to leave Paris. I decided on Fountainbleau. Ha!
I will tell you the pros and cons of going here:
1. It was COMPLETELY free because of my PassNavigo. Because it is in the Paris region and it was a school holiday, I have complete freedom to travel anywhere with my metro card, therefore not only was the 50 minute train ride free but so was the 15 minute bus ride from the train station to the chateau.
2. Because I am considered a French student (thank you visa in my passport) I have the ability to enter most museums and cool places for free or at a discounted rate.
--the only thing I had to pay for this day was my lunch and I don't think thats so bad for a day trip!
1. It rained like crazzzzzy all.day.long.
2. It not only rained, but it was windy sideways rain that made your umbrella pointless.
All in all, it was a great day and an exhaustingly long day. It doesn't help either that it feels like midnight at 6pm because the sun sets at 5:30pm these days creating the feeling of tiredness way too early. The chateau was beautiful and I took an audio tour which helped in understanding all that was there, otherwise it would've just looked like a bunch of rooms with old furniture or paintings. Fountainbleau is a chateau that should be as famous as Versailles but for reason is not. Maybe because it is not as close? But it has been lived in by many kings in the French history books and is quite a bit larger than Versailles and has an amazing garden like Versailles (although I wouldn't really know about it because it was raining so hard there was no way I was wanting to soak myself just to see a garden that you couldn't even see through all the rain).
Friday night was fabulous as I met up with an au pair I might have mentioned previously who I met through church, was born in Texas (not raised though :-( ) and lives not even a 5 minute drive from me out in the boonies. We hung out at her apartment and ate croissants and chocolate and watched Dirty Dancing Havana Nights. Fabulous movie. I haven't had a night like that in a while and it was just what the doctor ordered. A night in with a good movie and a good friend and some good (but not so good for you) food. :-)
This week a new au pair arrived in my town. That seems like pointless information, but the host mom of this new au pair knows me as she is friends with my host mom and lucky for me, we ran into each other at school one of the first days of this new au pair. Long story short, the host mom asked me to take her to Paris this weekend to show her around and help her out as she is new and hasn't met anyone and doesn't know her way around. Honestly, I was not excited about this... I usually stay quite busy, and even though helping new people is my favorite thing to do, I just wasnt in the mood. But the more I thought about it, the more I had a desire to take her out regardless of my selfish feelings as I know what she's going through and how lonely it is in the first couple of weeks and how much it would've meant to me had someone done the same thing to me. Anyways, I invited this girl to come hang out Saturday and so we did. Come to find out she has never been to Paris, which makes showing her around rather easy, just hit up all the famous things and show her how to use the metro. Unfortunately for her, the weather was absolutely awful. It kind of half rained the whole day and was windy and overcast and just plain not fun for being out in. We managed though. I even invited my friend Lisa to come along and her and Lisa got along great. I think it worked out perfect as German is both of their native languages so it was nice to have the ins and outs of her new country explained to her in terms that were more easy to understand.
Ok, for the sake of this blog post becoming a chapter book I will leave you there! The weekend is not even half over and it only gets more interesting as the rest of the weekend held dinner parties, sunday morning Church and a knitting party. And ALMOST missing my bus for the second week in a row... but I will write about that tomorrow maybe?
This weekend has been another fabulous one but another exhausting one as well so I am hopefully off to bed early.
Oh and some thank yous:
Thanks Memom for the very pretty Thanksgiving card you mailed and THANK you Valerie for the Halloween card you sent me. I loved them both and REALLY love receiving mail. It's like Christmas Day every time i get a card or anything the mail!!!
Love you guys,
I am sure my life cannot be that interesting, but I continue to get lovely letters and emails and comments about how people (mainly family) really enjoy reading about my life here so, alas, i continue to let you know my deepest and darkest secrets about surviving in Paris, and doing in style!
Since last week I have been going nonstop (as I feel is nearly ever week) as the French had yet ANOTHER holiday. I understood before I moved here that the French received a lot of vacation time (6 weeks on average) every year, but I never thought about how many national holidays they also received. After a 13 day holiday I was spent. I was physically and mentally exhausted from going and doing and seeng and visiting (poor me, right???) that I was excited to get back to a normal schedule, but I have come to learn that normal is not a word I should include in my vocabulary anymore. The very next week (this past week) was yet another holiday. One day for French kids and most adults received two days off work. I received 1.5 days off work and spent it, you guessed it, in Paris!!!
This week on Wednesday was Connect group (also known as my bi monthly Bible study) and instead of doing our regular Bible study, it was a party and instead of just any lame-o party, it was a Raclette party! I just love Raclette and I love Raclette parties! They are so fun and so fast paced and so intrusive and so personal and I just love them. I have really come to love this group of women that I get to spend every other Wednesday evening with and this week was no exception. Surprise though, my friend Lisa, who I am going to spend Christmas with in Vienna, came out of the wood-works this week as well. She has been staying busy doing other things and I hadn't seen her in close to a month and she came along to the party on Wednesday. It was so lovely seeing her.
Wednesday night Lisa and I stayed at our friend Hope's apartment. One of my friends who lives by the Arc de Triumph. We always have good times (and sleep well) when we stay there so I look forward to that as much as I do the Bible study! My friend Hope, if you don't remember or I failed to mention, is from Uganda and she and I share our love for meat with every meal and fried foods so we get along very well! She usually has meat waiting for me at her house whenever I come over, knowing that I crave it all the time. (Don't judge, I am Texan and the only fried food I can find here is McDonalds and that just doesn't suffice when I am craving TexMex).
Thursday I had the day off and have been ITCHING to get out of Paris. Paris is great but there is so much so close to Paris and so much at my fingertips (and I have been reading some blogs about traveling on the cheap and just traveling in general which has helped in my desire to expand my horizons) so I was determined to leave Paris. I decided on Fountainbleau. Ha!
I will tell you the pros and cons of going here:
1. It was COMPLETELY free because of my PassNavigo. Because it is in the Paris region and it was a school holiday, I have complete freedom to travel anywhere with my metro card, therefore not only was the 50 minute train ride free but so was the 15 minute bus ride from the train station to the chateau.
2. Because I am considered a French student (thank you visa in my passport) I have the ability to enter most museums and cool places for free or at a discounted rate.
--the only thing I had to pay for this day was my lunch and I don't think thats so bad for a day trip!
1. It rained like crazzzzzy all.day.long.
2. It not only rained, but it was windy sideways rain that made your umbrella pointless.
All in all, it was a great day and an exhaustingly long day. It doesn't help either that it feels like midnight at 6pm because the sun sets at 5:30pm these days creating the feeling of tiredness way too early. The chateau was beautiful and I took an audio tour which helped in understanding all that was there, otherwise it would've just looked like a bunch of rooms with old furniture or paintings. Fountainbleau is a chateau that should be as famous as Versailles but for reason is not. Maybe because it is not as close? But it has been lived in by many kings in the French history books and is quite a bit larger than Versailles and has an amazing garden like Versailles (although I wouldn't really know about it because it was raining so hard there was no way I was wanting to soak myself just to see a garden that you couldn't even see through all the rain).
Friday night was fabulous as I met up with an au pair I might have mentioned previously who I met through church, was born in Texas (not raised though :-( ) and lives not even a 5 minute drive from me out in the boonies. We hung out at her apartment and ate croissants and chocolate and watched Dirty Dancing Havana Nights. Fabulous movie. I haven't had a night like that in a while and it was just what the doctor ordered. A night in with a good movie and a good friend and some good (but not so good for you) food. :-)
This week a new au pair arrived in my town. That seems like pointless information, but the host mom of this new au pair knows me as she is friends with my host mom and lucky for me, we ran into each other at school one of the first days of this new au pair. Long story short, the host mom asked me to take her to Paris this weekend to show her around and help her out as she is new and hasn't met anyone and doesn't know her way around. Honestly, I was not excited about this... I usually stay quite busy, and even though helping new people is my favorite thing to do, I just wasnt in the mood. But the more I thought about it, the more I had a desire to take her out regardless of my selfish feelings as I know what she's going through and how lonely it is in the first couple of weeks and how much it would've meant to me had someone done the same thing to me. Anyways, I invited this girl to come hang out Saturday and so we did. Come to find out she has never been to Paris, which makes showing her around rather easy, just hit up all the famous things and show her how to use the metro. Unfortunately for her, the weather was absolutely awful. It kind of half rained the whole day and was windy and overcast and just plain not fun for being out in. We managed though. I even invited my friend Lisa to come along and her and Lisa got along great. I think it worked out perfect as German is both of their native languages so it was nice to have the ins and outs of her new country explained to her in terms that were more easy to understand.
Ok, for the sake of this blog post becoming a chapter book I will leave you there! The weekend is not even half over and it only gets more interesting as the rest of the weekend held dinner parties, sunday morning Church and a knitting party. And ALMOST missing my bus for the second week in a row... but I will write about that tomorrow maybe?
This weekend has been another fabulous one but another exhausting one as well so I am hopefully off to bed early.
Oh and some thank yous:
Thanks Memom for the very pretty Thanksgiving card you mailed and THANK you Valerie for the Halloween card you sent me. I loved them both and REALLY love receiving mail. It's like Christmas Day every time i get a card or anything the mail!!!
Love you guys,
Wednesday, November 10
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Myself at Chez Alice, only the cutest tea room EVER! |
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Christina, another au pair but from a different town. we went to Chez Alice (a tea room) yesterday for an afternoon snack and girl chat! |
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I received this postcard from Robyn this week! :-) |
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First Sunday of every month is free museum day so this month we went to the Musee D'Orsay |
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My friends and I had way too much playing in the leaves Friday night. |
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My friends found a matress lying on the street and they needed an extra one so YAY! for free matresses |
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this was amazing. |
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even the camera on my phone agrees she's a beauty! |
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My friend Cait had to leave to go back to the States so we showed her a good time Friday night: Crepes, Wine, Eiffel Tower, playing in leaves, meeting random people, and having a slumber party! |
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the three of us on one of my best nights yet! |
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Friday I went to the Sacre Coeur with a friend who is here studying |
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Meet Alison, she is from Texas and goes to Texas A&M. (It was bright, don't judge!!) |
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view from the steps of the Scare Coeur |
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lunch before the Sacre Coeur, it was not so bad! |
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When I was on vacation and staying with friends I received some very special 5 star treatment I have written about before, here is one of the breakfasts that was served to me in bed. Very tasty! :-) |
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Some friends at the Grandma and Grandpa themed party I went to while on my holiday! These two are fabulous (and also american) |
Tuesday, November 9
hello and goodbye
just a few remarks:
my host mom is now better (enough to go to work this week, Praise the Lord)
although my host father is now sick (but not enough to stay home from work, Praise the Lord)
This week brings two more holiday days. Thursday the kids and parents have off meaning Kara is free and Friday the kids have school but the parents don't so Kara still has to work, yippeeee! :-(
I am actually semi-enjoying my French class now thanks to my little practice over my two week holiday!!!
I met up with a friend from church today after French class and we spent 3 hours at this amaaaaazing tea room called Chez Alice where we had the cutest desserts and drinks in the cutest decorated restaurant! And the best part of it all is that this friend, who I met through church, is from Texas (so we get along) and she lives within walking distance of me (and has a car!!!).
I spend way too much time on the computer!! This needs to stop!!!
I am in desperate need of some traveling, no joke! Thank goodness Christmas isn't too far away!!
I have plans to go to Disneyland Paris in December with some people from church. So.excited.
And now I must read my Bible...
(and go get my laundry out of the washing machine so it doesn't get smelly)
A demain!
my host mom is now better (enough to go to work this week, Praise the Lord)
although my host father is now sick (but not enough to stay home from work, Praise the Lord)
This week brings two more holiday days. Thursday the kids and parents have off meaning Kara is free and Friday the kids have school but the parents don't so Kara still has to work, yippeeee! :-(
I am actually semi-enjoying my French class now thanks to my little practice over my two week holiday!!!
I met up with a friend from church today after French class and we spent 3 hours at this amaaaaazing tea room called Chez Alice where we had the cutest desserts and drinks in the cutest decorated restaurant! And the best part of it all is that this friend, who I met through church, is from Texas (so we get along) and she lives within walking distance of me (and has a car!!!).
I spend way too much time on the computer!! This needs to stop!!!
I am in desperate need of some traveling, no joke! Thank goodness Christmas isn't too far away!!
I have plans to go to Disneyland Paris in December with some people from church. So.excited.
And now I must read my Bible...
(and go get my laundry out of the washing machine so it doesn't get smelly)
A demain!
Thursday, November 4
picture overload
It pays to have friends in the city. Dinner. First night of my first holiday. |
Picnic spot on the way to Monet's Gardens in Giverny. This is the Seine. |
The flowers were all dead but the colors were still beautiful! |
Most famously known part of Monet's garden. |
Deirdre and I sitting infront of Monet's house. |
What to do on a french holiday in the city? Ride the city bikes all around. |
I made her playdo lips. |
I am experiencing my first fall ever. It's amazing. View from the windows at my house. |
Sorry for the picture overload. It was a wonderful holiday as I have mentioned before but the next one I am happy to say I will be spending elsewhere! And I am hoping to travel at least once more before Christmas... I love my city so I never want to leave but there is so much out there I can't not venture out!
Love you all,
Tuesday, November 2
helloooooo Vienna!!!
So get ready to be jealous (or not) because this afternoon I booked my ticket to Vienna, Austria for Christmas! I will be spending 6 nights and 7 days with a friend and her generous family!!!
No, they won't make up for the fact that I am not going to be in Texas and sharing this time with my family, but I'm not going to lie, I'm not a bit bummed. (not yet at least!)
So cheers to hopefully experiencing a white Christmas with a new family and a new friends doing new things!!! Can't wait!!!
And CONGRATS to my Father who just landed a great job really close to home!!!! I am so proud of you and so happy for you!!!!!
(dang it, that just reminded me I forgot something at the store...)
It's dinner time around her now, I'm hoping its not "omelette" ....
Love, me
No, they won't make up for the fact that I am not going to be in Texas and sharing this time with my family, but I'm not going to lie, I'm not a bit bummed. (not yet at least!)
So cheers to hopefully experiencing a white Christmas with a new family and a new friends doing new things!!! Can't wait!!!
And CONGRATS to my Father who just landed a great job really close to home!!!! I am so proud of you and so happy for you!!!!!
(dang it, that just reminded me I forgot something at the store...)
It's dinner time around her now, I'm hoping its not "omelette" ....
Love, me
Monday, November 1
holidays and vacations galore
Hello there!!!! I have just arrived home, in what seems like an eternity. for real. i feel as though i haven't slept in my bed, showered in my shower and chosen my wardrobe out of something other than a suitcase in for.ever. But i am finally back home and very glad to be.
This holiday has definitely put a lot into perspective...
1. As much as I complain about living in the sticks, past the cows and far far away from the wonderful city that I love, I have very much grown to love and appreciate the quietness of it all. After spending so much time in Paris I am happy to get on a train and then grab a bus for the hike back to the suburbs where I call home right now and enjoy the quietness of no people, no stores, no restaurants and no noise.
2. Paris is a busy city. and by busy i mean, REALLY busy! You can be like and go nonstop for a whole week without realizing it!
3. I am VERY american. and by american i mean that sometimes i feel incredibly brainwashed as the rest of the world does not think the same way or act the same way as americans. but i am learning to be okay with that.
4. God is in all the details! PRAISE THE LORD!
Well, this past week held a lot of things and I was very thankful for the holiday. A chance to regroup and get away so that I can come back and appreciate and enjoy what I have without taking it for granted! I really do love my life, the family I am a part of this year and just all the aspects of what I am doing and where I am right now. Crazy! This week was spent building relationships, falling in love with my city, and learning to accept myself for who I am!!!
I did way too many things to recount but I will sum it up:
Grandma and Grandpa themed party, was invited to host at the 'welcome to church' soiree, slept in late, received 5 start breakfasts, played Cranium with non Americans, went to Monet's Gardens in Giverny, rode bikes around Paris with friends, went to dinner with 13 guys (i was the only girl), spent the night at a friends apartment who has a view of the eiffel tower, spent countless hours on the metro, my friends learned to videotape my craziness, learned how to knit, practiced my french (a little), and had my first taste of the Jewish quarter and Fallafel's...
all in all the easiest way to explain my week: I am IN LOVE with Paris!
Happy Birthday to my aunt Dianne and Grandpa who celebrated this weekend and unfortunatey i was not able to skype in to the party, but I wish I had been able to be there and I send big hugs and lots of love!!!
I wish you all could have been there today as my friends and I rode the Veleb (paris bikes)'s around the city this afternoon. What a city I live in!!! I have never in my life experienced fall and it is amazing you texans...your'e missing out!!! The trees are loosing all their leaves and they were floating all over the place. Ok, I have to stop!!!
I love y'all to the moon and back,
Love, me
This holiday has definitely put a lot into perspective...
1. As much as I complain about living in the sticks, past the cows and far far away from the wonderful city that I love, I have very much grown to love and appreciate the quietness of it all. After spending so much time in Paris I am happy to get on a train and then grab a bus for the hike back to the suburbs where I call home right now and enjoy the quietness of no people, no stores, no restaurants and no noise.
2. Paris is a busy city. and by busy i mean, REALLY busy! You can be like and go nonstop for a whole week without realizing it!
3. I am VERY american. and by american i mean that sometimes i feel incredibly brainwashed as the rest of the world does not think the same way or act the same way as americans. but i am learning to be okay with that.
4. God is in all the details! PRAISE THE LORD!
Well, this past week held a lot of things and I was very thankful for the holiday. A chance to regroup and get away so that I can come back and appreciate and enjoy what I have without taking it for granted! I really do love my life, the family I am a part of this year and just all the aspects of what I am doing and where I am right now. Crazy! This week was spent building relationships, falling in love with my city, and learning to accept myself for who I am!!!
I did way too many things to recount but I will sum it up:
Grandma and Grandpa themed party, was invited to host at the 'welcome to church' soiree, slept in late, received 5 start breakfasts, played Cranium with non Americans, went to Monet's Gardens in Giverny, rode bikes around Paris with friends, went to dinner with 13 guys (i was the only girl), spent the night at a friends apartment who has a view of the eiffel tower, spent countless hours on the metro, my friends learned to videotape my craziness, learned how to knit, practiced my french (a little), and had my first taste of the Jewish quarter and Fallafel's...
all in all the easiest way to explain my week: I am IN LOVE with Paris!
Happy Birthday to my aunt Dianne and Grandpa who celebrated this weekend and unfortunatey i was not able to skype in to the party, but I wish I had been able to be there and I send big hugs and lots of love!!!
I wish you all could have been there today as my friends and I rode the Veleb (paris bikes)'s around the city this afternoon. What a city I live in!!! I have never in my life experienced fall and it is amazing you texans...your'e missing out!!! The trees are loosing all their leaves and they were floating all over the place. Ok, I have to stop!!!
I love y'all to the moon and back,
Love, me
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