Wednesday, November 24

in the spirit of the holiday...

I have already started a "thanksgiving" post including a lot of things I am thankful for this year. I have so many things to be thankful for that its impossible to remember them all, but I am trying.
And then today has just been so wonderful that I feel the need to share with you.

1. It's a B.e.a.utiful day outside today. This is something to be especially thankful for because it has a tendency to rain a lot her, as in, for the past 2 weeks it has rained almost every single day and been incredibly overcast, and those are two of my least favorite things. So to be able to enjoy a beautiful day today is such a blessing!

2. Clemence, my 4 yr old, told Rachel (my host mom) today that I understand French good now. haha. So cute.

3. I bought a memory card for my blackberry this weekend and it has changed my life. first, my pictures are better quality, but i just learned that you can put music AND sermons on your phone. so now i can listen to my pastor back home preach while i am on the metro for 2 hours at a time. I am so thankful for such small but such amazing inventions.

4. I am listening to christmas music on my computer right now, yes, its a bit odd as its kenny chesney christmas, "all i want for christmas is a real good tan..." (unfortunately thats the only christmas cd i seem to have downloaded on my computer before i left, anyone want to mail me some christmas music please?) but its putting me in the mood for all things christmas.

5. I had such a wonderful skype chat with my friend Alyssa last night and I am still in a good mood from that. :-) There is nothing like being able to reconnect with such wonderful friends, even though we may be miles and miles away, there is nothing like old friends to bring your spirits up.

6. and lastly, on wednesdays my host mom goes to the grocery store in the morning and then cooks lunch and I always look forward to lunch this day because its always fresh groceries and premium meat and so delish! So I thankful for Wednesday lunches!!!

7. I am thankful for peace and quiet moments during the daylight, like right now! My host mom and kids are off at classe du musique and le foot and I am here, enjoying the sun shining in my room and one window open. (the sun sets at 4:30/5pm these days so these moments are rare)

Well, i hope you all are able to find many things that you are thankful for this year and this season. I am so very thankful for each and every one of you who reads this because you care what is going on and for all of you who have continued to keep in touch with me despite the time difference and the miles between us, and for all the constant prayers and support!!!

Love, ME! <3

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