Sunday, November 21

a recap, as quickly as possible

So I just realized that in the busy-ness that was this week, I never completed another post about last week and now it doesn't seem all that interesting as I have made new memories that trump the old ones. Happens a bit too often these days. Could be worse!

So after showing around this new au pair from my town, my friend and the au pair and i split and went our seperate ways. I had plans! haha. I just made that seem so important.
Oh wait, back it up a second... the au pair and I (for the sake of not wanting to sound rude, her name is Laura). Ok, so Laura and I went to a rather large indoor mall before we split ways and as I had mentioned before that it was a tad bit ugly in the weather department this particular day, I soon realized what people do when its half rainy and very cloudy in this city: go to the mall!!! The mall was so packed I thought not another person could possibly fit inside. And fyi: Paris doesn't have air conditioning so packed anywhere is not fun.

So last Saturday night I went to a friends apartment where he was having a raclette dinner party! It was fabulous. I went with my friend who I stay with every weekend and some our mutual friends and a few news I met there. It was a great evening of drinking wine, eating cheese and cold meats, burning my finger on the raclette machine, sitting at the smallest table, and enjoying each others company! This is why I love Paris so much. Times like these.

And the weekend didn't end here: I enjoyed a wonderful morning of serving and worshiping at my church and a great lunch with friend afterwards followed by a knitting party. Yes, I knit and I love it. And I learned the word for knit this week in French class: tricoter.


On the next point of interest: this week was bi-zay! I am working on changing my life habits for the better, starting with going to bed at an earlier time because it helps me to be happier when I have to wake up to a 4 yr old whinning so loud that it makes you want to pull your lovely locks out, but it also allows me to enjoy the time I do have and be more productive than always wanting to take naps and sleep and take naps and sleep. Yay for being proactive!

This week I started an "au pair get together" in my area. It's not my thing or my idea, I am just the one who initiated it this year, but one the moms in my town mentioned that the au pairs in Chambourcy used to get together once a week at this one (of three) restaurants in our town and have a drink or order dinner and enjoy each others company. I figured it would be a great idea. I mean, we do live out in the sticks and we can't always want to stay home every night by ourselves so why not hang out together. It was fabulous! There were 7 of us all together and it was a really nice evening. We meet at an African restaurant by the town center and the guy who owns the place is a character. He is from the States but has adopted a semi-french accent and doesn't hesitate to mess with you, but all in good fun! I ordered the "house" sangria and it was fab.u.lous. I plan on trying to make this a weekly thing so whoever can come does come (including myself, i mean, i am a busy girl, i won't always be able to go...haha) and enjoy the time when we are there. I am excited about this.

Well, I will post more later because I am wanting to watch some "How I Met Your Mother" (the now version of FRIENDS which everyone here watches) and paint my nails before I study a little French and the Bible and then dormir! (sleep)

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! Despite my lack of posting about my weekend yet, which I already mentioned was fabulous, It was FABULOUS! So much stuff going on and that I am working on and doing and experiencing and I can't wait to tell you all about it! And I can't wait to see you all in such a short amount of time!!!

Oh, and I hope everyone enjoys their time off this week, so so jealous that I am not getting my normal holiday for one of my most favorite holidays ever: Thanksgiving. But no worries, I have already started my festivities and I have many more to go.

Love you all like a fat kid loves candy,
adios amiga (as i taught my 6 yr boy to say)

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