Thursday, August 25

my schedule

because I know you all are dying to know just how "busy" I have been (as if we all aren't) and why I have been horrible at updating my blog (besides the fact that I feel like my life isn't blog worthy most of the time now that French habits are normal), I shall explain:

June 30: I accepted a job, ended a job, started a new job and moved all in one day

July 1-2: spent the weekend in my first Parisian apartment with one of my closest friends and soul mates before she left to go back to the US.

July 3-13: Romania for work

July 14: France's national holiday (everyone was partying and nothing was open)

July 15-20: lived at my new apartment and worked

July 20-28: house sat for some friends who live on the other side of the Arc de Triumph so I was commuting to work (still within walking distance)

July 29-Aug 13: South-west France for work (and yes, I worked 16 days back to back)

Aug 14: day off

Aug 15-20: worked (including Sat)

Aug 20- Aug 25: friends staying with me

Aug 21: a day OFF

Aug 22: day off as well, but not really a day off as I had friends staying with me

Aug 23-26: work as usual

Aug 26-28: Le Touquet with my new family (working)

Aug 29-Sep 2: work TWO jobs (9:30am-3pm, 4pm-9:30pm) and I have to find time to move and grocery shop in here

Sep 3: work all day for summer family

Sep 4: first day of school and first day of semi relaxation!!!

So, sorry to bore you all with my summer schedule but just informing everyone who feels neglected that I promise I haven't been neglecting you, but as you can see, I have had about 3 days off this whole summer and a few of them I had friends in town. I just recently figured out how to get internet in my apartment and so until this week I was having to visit a friends apartment. I have been living out of suitcases and boxes the whole summer and worked 6 day work weeks.

Not complaining at all, if anything I am so happy now that I am working and living in the city and enjoying life the way I had imagined it back 2 years ago when I decided to move to Paris, but working nonstop gives you barely enough time to keep in touch with your friends and family who are in the same city and time zone as you muchless trying to accomodate the inconvenience of 7 hours behind. That is the pits! Honestly, Texas is the most inconvenient time zone for living in Paris.

So, I hope all you people back home know how much I do think about you and wish I could call you anytime I wanted to catch up and hear about all of your lives but not having days off, a moment to breath, or internet make all of those things a bit hard. I really am hoping that once life gets settled in the next few weeks, once I am unpacked and finally claim an address again, and once I am back to working one job and only one job, I promise to catch up with everyone and I expect long updates on everyone!!!

But I also apologize at keeping up at sucking at keeping up with this. You see, I don't do this blog for those lovely people who are following and who I don't know but in some way must find my life here entertaining in some way, I write for my family back home who I knew it would be hard to keep in touch with. The real and only reason I continue to log into this thing and write about the non-monotonous life I live here in Paris is for my awesome Grandparents (on both sides of the family) who even though I can't speak to often, I know check up on me regularly and I hope I can give them some peace of mind knowing that I am happy, healthy, and well fed! (and traveled).

So, I guess I have a question which is a bit rhetorical, but is my life really that interesting to read about??????? I wonder that every time I get on here to update. I know its not monotonous and that I have been blessed with the opportunity to do and see a lot of things in the last year, but besides that, I don't see feel like the things I do are that fun for other people. Nevertheless, I will try to keep blogging as life keeps changing.

This weekend I am going out of town with my new family to meet the kids. There are four of them. And once I get back I am sure I will be able to tell you about each of their personalities. There are 3 boys and 1 girl. The two youngest don't speak English but the two older do. I am very eager to see the dynamics of the children together and apart and to figure out my role in each of their lives: friend, nanny, mentor, teacher, etc. And to figure out just how and where I am going to fit into the family as a whole.

I will try to write a few more posts as a few more topics have come to mind but the clock is ticking and its ticking fast! Enjoy your weekend where ever you may spend and check back here in the coming week for interesting (maybe) updates on all the changes going on in the life of MOI!

Miss everyone in the best state ever! Love, moi


jon said...
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jon said...

beats lubbock!