Monday, August 29

the perfect quote!

"The Parachute to Mars theory: we believed that there is a certain group of people who flourish anywhere, whatever the challenge. If you dropped us on any planet, we could not only survive, but make friends and hate to leave." --C'est La Vie, pg 198

This is a book that I read before I moved to Paris. One of the many books I found on foreigners having moved to Paris and how they made it work. This one is about a lady who moved to Paris to retire after her husband suddenly fell ill and passed away. She talks about a lot of the differences between America and France, a lot of the holidays, markets, and just day to day life of living in France. I found it very interesting before but a lot of it did not make much sense. When I was on holiday in the south-west of France for two weeks and had a lot of time to do nothing, I found myself reading a lot. This was one of the books I had thoughtlessly thrown into my luggage that week so I found myself reading it again. Once rereading this book I realized how helpful it will be for my next year of living here in Paris and how interesting it is. The lady who wrote the book actually lives on the same block that I am moving to this week. How random! So everything she talks about in Paris is relatable as I will be living in the exact same area. Of all the places to live in Paris! Anyways, this is a quote that I am stealing from her book because it is the best description I have found to this day to answer or explain myself when people ask me how I could just get up and move to a foreign country. I whole heartedly believe this quote and now I have the perfect words to use when asked this question. It's the Parachute to Mars theory!

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