I just got back from a two week vacation in Paris and it was wonderful as it should be where I spent my 5th consecutive birthday celebrating in the city of light. We'll see how long this tradition lasts. I went with a list of things I wanted to do and I didn't even accomplish half of the list because my days were spent mostly catching up with friends and eating. I spent the last two weeks making up for my lack of eating out for the past two years. And now my bank account shows that. But it was worth it, to see the city in a whole different way. As a tourist and not a broke resident. And I also learned that no matter how much French behavior I may have picked up, I doubt I will ever loose my southern roots of being friendly because I somehow made a way of making friends with nearly every waiter in the city. Hey, it makes the dining experience a bit more exciting if you ask me. No harm, no foul, right? The city lived up to all my expectations of being cold and dreary, allowing the sun to come out a little but not enough to warm up and even giving me half an hour of snow on my last day there. Oh Paris, how I love you!

I was able to visit two of the families I worked for when I lived there, go to disney, visit the top of Galleries Lafayette (one of my favorite serene places in Paris), have champagne atop the Eiffel Tower, eat at my favorite Thai restaurant twice, and walk enough to make sure all the food I was eating did not stay on my hips. It was the most exhausting two weeks, I am not rested after this vacation, but I honestly wouldn't have changed a thing. It's a weird thing feeling like you have two lives on opposite sides of the world, but yet I am super happy with those two lives how they are. It's hard having your best friends live 7 times zones apart but we make do. Now, on to working on making friends in my current time zone...
Off to go dream and work towards my next vacation (My, I really am becoming French...)
Love, me
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