Sunday, July 15

 So embarrassing but a while ago we had a massive downpour over a day or two and i got stuck in it with my cute black ballet flats and they were already going downhill with the amount I was walking in them (as have all my shoes) and the torrential downpour ended the life of my cute little shoes. I had no other shoes left at this point except my tennis shoes (besides high heels which would've been even more worthless in almost flooded paris). I was so embarrassed to wear these out in public when i wasn't working out but I had no other option. 

The things we (are forced to) do sometimes. Not in the name of fashion. 

Paris on a good day. With blue skies. AND the sun. not very often. sadly.

This is Skye and Alix. Alix has been my little girl since I started my new job in March and Skye is a little boy who I pick up every Tuesday and take with us to painting class. He is your typical 8 yr old boy if not more energetic. He and Alix did not always get along, they were always starved, and had the attention span of nothing and I had 15 minutes to convince them they wanted to walk to their art class which was more than 15 minutes away. Tuesdays were usually a lot of work. This day we walked past a Hummer, a bright yellow one actually, and they posed in front of it. Such French kids who have no clue how to smile for a camera. 

To add to random photos taken throughout Paris, I met up with a friend I hadn't seen in a while and we sat and caught up in front of the Eiffel Tower as you do and we were getting too distracted by all the tourists taking touristy photos so we decided to join 'em. Here I am copying what other people were doing around me. 

The view from my apartment window.

The view if you looked out my window and to the right. This view is not as good as my last apartment but not half bad either. 

Adios amigos!

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