Friday, July 13

Free Museum Sunday

The first Sunday of every month in Paris is free museum Sunday and since this was my last free museum sunday before I was to go home for the summer I decided to actually take advantage of it. The weather was still sort of nice and I wanted to see one more museum: Musee l'Orangerie. It's a museum that is in the Jardin Tuilleries which is the park in front of the Louvre. It is a beautiful museum but is not terribly obvious like the Louvre or Musee D'orsay that sit on the bank of the Seine but it is a famous museum that is a must when visiting Paris. The reason I wanted to go was because it is home to the most famous paintings of one of my favorite artists: Mr. Claude Monet. Musee l'Orangerie is home to his water lilly paintings that take up the whole wall. 

Monet was an incredible artist. His painting make me go "wow" when I see them. He had such an imagination and ability to paint, it was incredible. Besides the fact that his house and garden in Vernon are my favorite place to go!

The last two paintings are pictures I snuck because I loved them. One is called a turkey and a tomato and they are just ridiculous. You just never know what you're going to find when you go to a museum.

Thats all.

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