Friday, December 17

i love productive Friday's

So today has been a highly productive day when I forecasted a "sleep in bed until noon" kind of day!!! Thank you Jesus for shining the sun SUN SUN SUN down today!!! Overnight we received the gift of more snow. woo hoo!!! I do like the snow. It's very beautiful and so serene to have everything white. But with it comes ICE!!! And for those of you who don't know, i live on a hill. So getting around, even for me just walking, muchless the cars who like to drive particularly fast, can be a bit difficult. Add to that 2 young children and the low temperatures and you have a day of "kara doesn't want to go outside for fear of frostbite or breaking a hip"! Thankfully none of those have happened...yet.

Anyways, its getting closer and closer to christmas so I am forced to get out and finish all my chores and errands and things I need to do before its too late!!!

Today is my friend Grace's birthday. Happy 22!!! She doesn't read this (i don't think) so I can tell you what I am doing for her. First, you know you're getting old when you get practical gifts, such as toilet paper! haha. I owe her toilet paper because I am always at her house but I thought it would be fun to buy her a 12 pack. How ridiculous are we poor people??? And the funnest was only 3 euros!!! So i splurged and bought some bows to go on top. And then I used my funfetti cake mix my awesome cousin Sarah and Aunt debbie sent me to make her a birthday cake. She is going to love it!!!

Anyways, its my last weekend before I leave and just before Christmas! I can't believe how fast time has flown around here! It's ridiculous!!! In such a short amount of time, 2 weeks... i will be in Texas. And I am praying for warm weather so I can get a break from this ridiculousness here. (not to mention the week before I will be in Vienna) Ps. how do you pack for the coldest place on earth and then for the warmest???

oh and I also made wassail this morning. I decided I should have paid more attention to my mom and Grandmother's when they cooked because I am not so good at reading a receipe and having it taste the same. grrr. And my friend Christina came over (yes, she braved the snow...but she has a car so its ok) and I cooked us lunch and we watched a movie I rented on iTunes.

What a beautiful day this has been!!!

I hope its been a beautiful day for you too!!!!

Happy week before Christmas!!!

Love, me

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