Thursday, February 24

i'm just a tad bit giddy!

because I just skyped with my mom for 2 hours today...

OH goodness gracious did I need to chat with my mama!!!! It's silly how happy I am now that we've reconnected, hehe. With being gone and being busy, I haven't had much time for keeping in touch with anyone in America lately (sorrrrrry!!!!) but too long had passed between seeing my mom's face on my computer screen and now I am one happy gal!!!!

Missed ya a lot mom!!! You rock my world!!! And thanks for sharing in my opinions, it makes it a lot more fun to share them!!!

<3 one happy gal!

1 comment:

Mandy Dunn said...

talking to my mom keeps me going. Im an au pair in paris too, if you ever want to have coffee or lunch, id love to meet other au pairs. my number is