Tuesday, August 31


So today I attempted to get a French bank account but the person who takes care of it is still on vacation, go figure...its only August 31, not September 1. I then went and drooled over the phone I am dreaming about getting. Had the world's worst lunch possible as I bought a cheap baguette (ewww) and was just plain underwhelmed with my choice of foods this day. Had fun running around like a kid in the Carrefour (walmart) and finding the Tex-Mex and United States isles. The only thing I recognised on the US section was Skippy peanut butter and its rather expensive. Thankfully that is not one of my necessities so I'm okay. I walked to the next town today, Poissy, for the first time. Took me 40 minutes by foot and I did not attemp to walk back as it was downhill going and uphill coming back...my legs hurt and my feet are not liking me right now. Learned somewhat how to use the buses around here, NOW that they are WORKING again! Found out that the last bus runs at 8pm during the week and 7pm on Saturdays, boooo!!! And ventured to Saint Germaine en laye where I not only have conquered how to say it properly, but also enjoyed an afternoon at the park behind the very famous Chateau there. Was able to score a map to St. Germain also which is going to be helpful and almost found where I am going ot take French lessons but became impatient (ha!) and left before I really found it. Learned that St. Germain is a much more interesting place than Chambourcy and I am going to be very grateful for it when I do not have the time or energy to go into Pairs as it is only a 10 minute drive away by bus. Enjoyed a great dinner with Rachel and cuddled some with my little princess Clemence! 

It was a productive day! Thank the Lord! I am learning that I am completely out of shape as I can barely walk up the hill to get my house and the kids are riding their bikes ten times faster than I can walk it...i too shall learn to do it! I am determined to not let the lack of car hinder my interest in exploring and going and doing... And I'm glad I'm slowly learning to be more adventurous such as walking to another town and finally conquering my fear of the bus system! yay!!!

Enjoy the photos taken on my friends iphone which were also posted on fb around the same time I took them!! Stephany and Kara style!!! 

Tex-Mex section of the Careefour (kind of like a Wal-Mart)
It was fun of enchiladas, taco, and fajitas packages

The peanut butter is not enough to make a weeks worth of pb&j's and it is yes, almost 4 euros... 
A whole isle devoted to COCA COLA. hmmm..
I tried to be money consious and spend as little on food as possible today for lunch and I ended up with the worst tasting baguette and cheese! Will never do that again!
Ventured to St. Germain-en-laye today via bus, yes, i conquered the bus system, and this is a very famous Chateau there.
Gardens along side the park...they were beautiful, again! Although this was taken with an iphone so its weird lighting.
How i spent my afternoon....
...listening to music while laying in the park!!

negative nancy, thats my name...a few days ago

I started to write a post a few days ago and titled it 'negative nancy...thats my name" and then got side tracked or realized that i didn't want to air all my dirty laundry out there for all to read so i quit and its a good thing. I think its been a few days since I have written and for a few reasons. I have been going through a rough spell and there really hasn't been a whole lot of interesting enough stuff to write about. I mean, I guess I can always come up with something as my mind is always going a mile a minute, but come on folks, no one's life can literally be THAT exciting all the time. not even lindsay lohan's or the reall housewives of any city.

So i haven't written since i went to Versailles last Friday and today is Tuesday I do believe. This weekend was really rough on me. I want to write about this because it shows those who think that I'm some hero for getting up and moving or think that you could never do it or that my life seems to be so perfect right now, that all of those things are false....this is real, this is hard, and this is my life... I had a few bad days but the Lord has shown his mercy and love to me through it all and I am so thankful for that! Saturday was a little on the relaxing side but also gave me time to think and thinking is never good for me. I realized just how much I miss my family and friends, and I realized I don't have that here. Sure, I live with a great family who has treated me like royalty since i walked in their front door, but they aren't MY family and I don't feel a part of theirs yet. Sure I have a few friends here but they aren't MY friends from back home. And on a day like that one, there just wasn't a Dr. Pepper to cure it all! My walls came crashing down. I felt helpless without transportation, I felt trapped as I live in a small town and don't know where anything is or have a way to get anywhere, I felt lonely.

I have really been struggling with having helpless feelings lately! It's a rough subject to think about because I am a "go get 'em" type person, very independant and while I don't mind other people depending on me, I don't like to have to depend on anyone else for everything that I need and I have had to do that since the moment I moved here. It's an awful feeling! I'm really working through it with God right now...to depend on him and realize that is ok! It's not only ok, its the best thing I could do. I firmly believe that He brought me and he would not bring me here to France and just drop me off and say, see ya later, have fun!!!! He's going to guide and direct me and watch out for me... in that, two verses have stuck out to me, Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength", but also, Phil 1:6 that says, "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." i feel as though those two verses don't need any explination but to say that I have a lot left to learn about this world I live in and being more Christ-like in my everyday thoughts, feelings, and actions!!!

Sunday morning I got up and left for church and was just feeling really crappy still. I had not reconciled my totally retarded feelings and I honestly had a breakdown on the train to church. My phone wasn't working, I was probably tired, it was not sunny outside, and I just wasn't feeling confident in anything I was doing...equals ugh!!! After the service I was with some friends and this girl walked up and introduced herself and started talking to me and I just let my guard down and told her how crappy my day was and how I just felt so incompetent and the I really feel the Lord put her in my life at that very moment to shake me and say, ITS OK!!! YOU CAN DO IT! She was such a blessing! She offered to help me take care of some stuff and took my number ot help get me more involved in the church, and just gave me a new view for the day! The rest of the day was nothing to write about it, but my attitude for sure was changed with a switch of that one girl speaking words of confidence into myself and my mind!

Anyways, since I apparently type too much for people who read this, I am trying to not type so much but I am naturally an open book and want to share who i am with all who want to know.
In the last two days I have spent some time alone with God, reading the Bible and praying and trying to hear what he is saying to me. I decided I needed to stop moping around and take control of my situation instead of complaining about it... so that is what I have been doing this week! (I know its only 2 days into the week, but I feel so accomplished). I am working on getting a French Bank account which is a lot harder than it seems, once I have a french bank account I can then not worry about always having cash on me(woo hoo!!!) and I can also then get a new phone which would be nice. My host father bought me a pay-as-you-go phone the first weekend I was here and its just driving me crazy having to always buy credit to put on it and never knowing what is going on, etc. So i decided I needed a contact phone and since i'm going ot be here at least 11 months I can go ahead and get a 12 month contract. it's kind of pricey for the amount of money I am making but I have decided it is necessary to have a working phone that I know I can depend on since there isn't a whole lot less I can depend on (ie transportation, weather, etc).

I will write another post maybe later tonight about my day today as it was semi-interesting, I conquered a few more "firsts" and am now heading to bed without chatting with anyone time because for the first time since I arrived, I just cannot stand to be awake a minute longer than I have to.

I love you and miss you and love hearing from you all, via facebook, gchat, skype, and email....so keep it coming please!

love, me

Saturday, August 28

Pictures, as promised!

The line I did not have to wait in because I am a French student, woo hoo! Saved me 15 euros. 
My friend made me do the "Hook 'em horns" sign because I'm Texan...
Napoleon's bed in le Chateau
The ceiling...incredible

Hall of mirros
My new boyfriend: Descartes

Picnic lunch in the gardens

Took a picture of an Escalade in Paris..hmmm

Hope you enjoyed! I definitely did! and GUESSS WHAT!!!! My host mom, Rachel, made tacos for lunch today. I guess all the talk about guacamole and alvacados and mexican food rubbed off on her and she decided to try it out. It wasn't too bad but it definitely wasn't Tex-Mex. I'll post pictures of that later!

xoxo Kara

Friday, August 27


It's past 11pm in Paris and it's been beyond a long day for me and a very long week and so with that, the title for this post has been chosen based off of exactly what I did today. ha. I FINALLY went to Versailles.
I am so extremely exhausted and beyond coo-coo at this point so I apologize in advance for typos or repetition of my days events, but I am enjoying writing blogs as it is a form of release for me and just enough people (hi Alicia) are saying they enjoy hearing about what I am doing (thank you, it means a lot) so I guess I shall keep on keeping on.
AND, i have pictures! lots of them! I will only post a few on the blog so look on my facebook page for more.

I want to start by saying that God answers prayer like none other! As ya'll have read and maybe read between the lines, this past week has been HARD! Maybe I did not show that as much in my posts because I am trying to show the more positive and exciting things going on in my life currently, but man, this transition has NOT been easy in any way. And I did not expect it to be, but it has definitely been a lot more than I ever could have imagined. With that being said, the last 10ish days have been some of the longest, hardest, most exhausting mentally and physically, days of my life. They have also been some of the most rewarding! I will go on the record to say that I am still not "home sick" except occassionally for comforts such as DR PEPPER and I have NOT had a breakdown yet. (so proud of myself for that) But our GOd is one awesome God who loves each and every one of us more than we will ever know and He has been showing that to me through His provision daily. He has provided me with an amazing family to live with, He has provided me with some great friends already, patience (which everyone knows I lack on a daily basis so that is a prayer answered itself), a church, and He has kept me safe and out of harms way each and every time I have ventured from the place I live. And today, I truely feel He showed me such an amazing day! What an amazing God I serve!

Today was the first day, since I arrived, that the entire day has been great! From start to finish. And I needed it! I have spent this week learning how to survive on my own, branch out and become more confident and shameless in learning and speaking French, making new friends, attending a new church, learning the metro and the streets of Paris, etc, and TODAY was the day when I could breathe and just enjoy it all, stress free! My friend and I were able to make our way to Versailles today. For those of you who don't know or just don't remember, Versailles was the home to Louis the 14th (i believe). And that's all the background info I can give you right now but maybe later I will research it a little more, haha, because it's very interesting. It's a huge chateau that semi resembles the Louvre but on a smaller scale (not really actually but lets go with it haha) and has a backyard like none ive ever seen before. I think the gardens of Versailles were the size of a small town, no lie! And I, being the 16 year old that I am mistaken for on a regular basis, had so much fun playing! I met my friend at Saint-Lazare (pronounced Saaaaant ---short a,...sort of like sont) I'm learning to correctly pronounce French words! So anyways, we met at Saint Lazare and headed to the station Invalides to catch the RER (the RER are trains that travel to the suburbs of Paris, different from the metro) to Versailles. It was about a 20-30 minute train ride and then a maybe 5 minute walk, not bad at all. And it only cost 6 euros round trip! Once we arrived I started taking pictures like a tourist, hello, my name is Kara and while I now reside in Paris, I have not officially taken on my duties and am still in tourist mind set so please pardon my excessive picture taking today. Kindly, me! haha. My friend is from Paris so he speaks French and I greatly appreciate his presence as it has helped me tremulously since I arrived here and today was no exception. I'm learning, but there are quite a few places in Paris where if you are a student, under 26 or are a resident of France, you can get in free. Earlier in the week when i attended the YSL exhibit at Petit Palais I received a student discount for being under 26 and today I was able to enter Versailles (the chateau) for free because I am a french student, thanks to my Visa and carrying my Passport on me! woo hoo!!! And this saved me a lot of money as Versailles costs somewhere around 15 euros to enter. Let me just give you my opinion, the chateau was not worth 15 euros. For people who truely enjoy chateaus and know a lot about the french history than that would be worth it, but for me, I was more excited about the gardens and the beautiful weather and my picnic! haha. We quickly walked through the chateau enjoying ourselves but not for too long. Even walking fast though it took us about 1.5 hours. We visited the hall of mirrors and King Louis 14th's bedroom and all that fun stuff. THEN we headed outside. I can't even begin to describe to you the beauty of the gardens, I really hope that one day each and every one you have the opportunity to visit yourselves as its just magnificent. Once we entered outside I was like a giddy little kid on Christmas morning. We eventually found some grass suitable for eating our picnic lunch and enjoyed ourselves. There isnt' a whole lot grass designated for people sit or stand or touch for that matter as its mostly gardens so finding a place to sit can be a bit difficult if you are picky. Anyways, lunch was amazing, but I have yet to not enjoy a meal here so that was no surprise to me. I did however find out that tortilla chips exist in Paris along with the salsa and guacamole I discovered yesterday so now we have a winning combo and I think I can survive! lol. After lunch we walked around and people watched, one of my all time favorite things to do. I have learned that in France since you can't really make eye contact with the people here, they just don't like it, and staring isn't really nice in any country, that if I wear my sunglasses no one notices that I'm looking at them and it makes people watching that much easier. That and people don't really understand english as often so I can talk freely and laugh freely and not worry about being overheard, haha. Free entertainment has become one of my all time favorite things to enjoy here! Why watch tv when you can watch people?!

I am putting a paragraph where there doesn't need to be one but i think your eyes need a break so there, i gave you one. I really would LOVE to ride a bike around the gardens of Versailles one of these days as it is so incredibly huge and you just can't do it all by feet, it takes too long I would assume! And great excercise, right? We went to go check out renting a bike, yea, no! 6 euros for half an hour...no thanks! So we went to see how much a boat would cost and we could row around the lake for a little, no, even more expensive, out of the question. Then we checked out how much a train ride on the petit train was and it was not too bad but the train was petit as the name clearly stated and we weren't much in the mood for being squashed into petit train so we gave up and went to people watch and act like tourists (or maybe I did) some more. I'm pretty sure I don't know how long I was there today because I didn't really watch the clock... arrived maybe around 11 and left around 6pm. Oh, and I forgot to mention that we brought a bottle of wine...2.65 euros for a pretty good tasting red wine and we drank it all! The classy way...without cups of coarse! And we forgot a bottle opener so thankfully a kind waiter at one of the super expensive restaurants in the gardens let us borrow his. I love being able to drink wine in the public parc thing they have going here in France, it rocks! haha. Wine, Versailles, picnic lunch, people watching and doing it all with a new friend...such a great day if i do say so myself! Thank you, Lord!

I was invited to attend this gathering called a language exchange, by another friend I have made here in Paris, and it was this evening, so we left early evening to head back to Paris to attend that. Oh bAAAAAACKKKK UP a bit, on our way to the train station I stumbled across my first "mexican" restaurant, or was it Tex-Mex. Regardless, the menu was whimpy and the prices were sort of high. My friend has told me that any mexican food you find around Paris is usually expensive as it is not common. Bummer. I guess I will learn to cook it often then! So we headed back into Paris to meet up wtih my friend for this language exchange. We arrived in Paris with some time to spare so I decided we go to the Eiffel Tour, why not? I was enjoying a day of being a tourist and so that was the perfect place to go next on my journey for the day. And we could rest on the grass infront of the Eiffel Tower and wait. It started to rain a little by the time we arrived and we needed to head on to our next destination anyways so I took pictures like a good tourists and then we left. Oh, but I did, however, find a few apartments that I would love to live at. How would you like to walk out your front door and onto the parc of the eiffel tower? No big deal! I have decided that the people who live there have got to be married, which means they have to got to procreate, which means they have got to have kids, which means someone needs a nanny and here I am to save the day! My new dream! lol. I will clean your clothes by hand, spit shine your shoes, and even work for free, if only i can live with you! Please let me know before next year, that would be ideal. Best regards, ME! :-) I was always told the sky is the limit, right?

Along the way to the language exchange I learned about Trocodero. Well, technically I still don't know exactly which it is, I have a bunch of research to do in the coming week, but I know you can take good pictures of the Eiffel tower from it. And that there are quite a few steps to get to the top of it. And that there are tons of illegals selling cheap souvenirs the whole way there. Ok, enough.

Arrived at the language exchange and fully enjoyed myself. Did not take pictures but it was a nice atmosphere. It was at a, what seemed to be really nice, hostel that is square in teh middle of a really nice area...I wouldn't mind living there either! I'm sure someone has kids around there that need to be taught english and looked after, right? Free, people love free! I think I will attend this language exchange again as it was a nice small group of people who come together to either practice their french or english, depending on what language you need to work on. I was very intimidated to go at first becuase I thought it would be a huge crowd and you'd be put on the spot to show your stuff but it was quite the opposite. It was about 7 or 8 people who sat around chatting about various topics for about two hours. I met a few more cool new people and then had to head out as this needed to conclude my very long, very fun but very exhausting 2nd Friday living in Paris, France. The next meeting is on Sunday after church picnic so hopefully I'll be able to attend then! :-)

My train ride home was a wreck though. My family still has to come pick me up from the train station and I am failing at doing it in a timely manner. They asked me to be at the train station around 10pm and I sadly arrived at 10:30 at a complete different one than usual. Oh kara! I feel so bad and so helpless having to depend on my host family to get to and from the train station and when I don't know how to work the trains yet or how to know when the train leaves or arrives, it leaves me arriving late and feeling horrible for them having to come pick me up so late! I am not joking when I say I hate Paris in August for their lack of buses running! grrrr! Oh well, I guess this year I will not be spending too many evenings out late, that is for sure!

All in all, it was a fabulous day that has now turned into two as it is now after midnight my time! I'm so glad to be able to share my experiences, good or bad, with you and know that you still love and support me through it all! I am very blessed for so many reasons and I thank you all for reading and caring and loving me! It is one of the reasons that I have been able to make it through this first week of living in a foreign country and its one of the reasons that i miss my beloved country so much.
I will say a few more things: as i post pictures, please forgive the UGLY clouds that are in the distance! All day today the clouds were horribly dark and for no good reason. Any time it tried to rain it failed, it would only sprinkle for a matter of 5 minutes and then stop and the sun would poke his head out again, but nonetheless, my pictures are borderline ugly thanks to the dark clouds. I guess that means I will ahve to go again on a prettier cloud day, oh durn!
Also, I am very thankful for my friend who went with me today! I thuroughly enjoyed his company and I was able to laugh and joke around as if I were hanging out with one of my besties or family from home and that made the day all that much better. It's friendships like that when you know you are good!
And lastly, I am so tired I can't even remember waht else I was going to type!

Here are a few pictures to keep you coming back for more... tomrrow I will do a post of only pictures so be excited!

Goodnight and hope you all have a great weekend! I'm hoping its uneventful and relaxing and I'm looking forward to more bonding time with the kids and worshipping in Paris on Sunday! yay for catching up on some much needed rest and research! lol. LOVE YOU PEOPLE TO THE MOON AND BACK!!!!

My first view of Versailles

My first pee-a-boo look at the gardens! Magnificent!

And one of my favorite photos out of the 300 I took today :: hall of mirrows inside the Chateau. haha

Thursday, August 26

early to bed, early to rise

Or late to bed, early to rise....creates one tired Kara! Someday I will learn that when you have to wake up early, it's wise to go to bed early...hm. Good idea. I told myself I'd go to bed at 10pm since I had a long and exhausting day today and have had quite a few of those this week and am waking up early again to go into Paris tomorrow and its 10:48pm and I am still up and starting to write a post.

I won't take too long, but I probably will.

I was supposed to go to Versailles today, but that was held off until tomorrow as my friend who was going to accompany me was not feeling well this morning. Bummer as I was not informed of his ill nature until AFTER I was already on my train into Paris. So I spent the day in Paris by myself. I arrived at Saint Lazare and decided I didn't want to pay for another metro pass so I'd just hang out in that area and see what was around. Actually I spent about an hour walking around looking for a cinema because I've really been wanting to see the movie Eat, Love Pray but I did not end up finding a cinema until much later and they weren't even showing that movie so I will have to look into that. I ended up finding L'Opera which was a big, beautiful building. It's quite popular to sit on the steps and eat lunch or people watch or rest and I did all three (well, snack, not lunch). Today was honestly a pretty awful day weather wise compared to the other days since I've arrived. It was HUMID *gasp* I am totally enjoying this new weather that I living in now and was not happy to meet my old friend humidity today. Thanks for the sweat, sir, but you can go back to where ever you are wanted and have fun there! grr.
I did a few other things that are not worth mentioning such as walking through stores and seeing a dumb movie which was a waste of ten euros but you live and learn.

Eventually my friend was feeling better and could meet me out, THANKFULLY. I was so bored at this point and ready for some company. And also my new au pair friend was off 'kid watching' duty and was also meeting me out. I was starving by the time we all met up and so we headed off in search of food. We ended up at a grocery store (but more like a 7-11 or a walgreens but with fresh food) where I purchased a sandwhich which sucked and a banana and a tomato. I really wanted some cheese as my host family has been introducing me to new things and I have found a cheese I really like. We were all in this grocery store and i said to my friend, "wheres the cheese? I want some cheese?" and he says without hesitation, "what kind of cheese? American or mozarella?" ha ha! funny one kid! I found that funny and laughed for a while, i am actually still laughing at that. He cracked a few other jokes that i thought were funny. He's always trying to say to me, "don't you people...do this or that" talking about Americans and I always have to stop and say to him, my country is 20 times larger than yours and you're putting all of us in ONE huge category? No, i probably don't do that! haha. It's funny because there are SO many differences between the french and the americans, in EVERY way!
The steps of L'Opera

Today is Thursday and in the past when I was living in Houston I spent Thursday evenings enjoying myself at Wild West, a country western bar in Houston, where my friends and I always went two-stepping. Except I don't normally two-step, i watch and socialize, haha! (and this is where Meredith and Wiley used to go also!) Anyways, today was cool enough when i left the house this morning so I decided in honor of WW Thursday I would wear my cowgirl boots out on the streets of Paris. My friend took a picture for me and so here you have it ladies and gents: (a friend suggested that next time I take it to the next level and be wearing a beret and holding a baguette, we'll see what i can do!)

Oh, and Rachel, my host mom, was telling me today that in Chambourcy there is a country western dancing club type thing. She said she could get me more information on it and maybe I could check it out. Haha, French people two-stepping, I definitely want to check that out! The one thing my friend was telling me was that cowboy boots were popular in fashions in the past few years but that they are expensive to buy because they are imported i guess. He said mine were cooler though because they are the "real" thing...they are from Texas (and i'm a Texan) haha. Gotta love my new friends!

The rest of the day was uneventful as I was pretty worn out from the early part of the day. And that sounds a bit ridiculous just reading it as it doesn't seem like i did a whole lot, but as I have posted before. Being in this country has been exhausting and as most people know, traveling is exhausting. So imagine traveling ALL the time and thats how i feel on a daily basis. I'm always having to navigate my way around according to a map that doesn't show enough or figure out what bus or train schedule to use and when to be where and what to eat and how to say this in french ...ahhh, its just VERY exhausting! so when I get home I have been doing nothing of importance, haha! And I am very thankful for that time.

I did however talk to Rachel today a bit and I had an idea that she seemed to like. I was thinking it might be nice to help cook around here since I will not be working as many hours as her, even once I start working, and it would be fun to introduce the kids to American foods and give a change of flavor. So I proposed that every once in a while I cook a meal for dinner. She seemed to really like that and told me to tell her what I needed from the store before that week so she can pick it up when she makes her grocery run. I'm very excited to spend some time at the grocery store this weekend or maybe the beginning of next week studying what types of foods they have so I can figure out what all I can make and what I need to ask to be sent to me in care packages! Oh and for those of you who read this...send me some suggestions of things to cook since I don't really cook that often or ever...

...and I am loving Rachel more and more each day! Today I was talking to her about Guacamole and she reached into the cabinet and grabbed out a jar! Um, hello... I LOVE YOU! haha. I should've taken a picture. It's in a jar so its not as good as homemade or the fresh kind you can get at the grocery but its guacamole. And then I was looking through what else she had and she has SALSA. haha. why did i not rumage through her stuff sooner? All you need are tortilla chips and we're good to go!

And these kids make my heart go pitter patter more and more each day! Tonight after they took their bathes they put on their pj's to head down to dinner, I went downstairs to sit with them and Antoine was dressed as a Pirate for dinner and Clemence was a fairy princess. Oh the imagination and fun these two kids have each day! Oh to be a kid again! haha. And i'm pretty sure their dinner was 60% chocolate. No lie.

Well, tomorrow I am off to try Versailles again! I hope I don't burn and crash after today! Hopefully this weekend will be calm and relaxing like it was last weekend so I can recouperate after this long week! And hopefully I will have a bus pass soon so I will be able to ride the bus and also use the metro and RER to go into Paris instead of paying for it each time! I feel as though this past week and up until I start working next week have been an unexpected vacation that Im' trying to enjoy as much as possible. A great vacation at that, one where I don't have to pay for a place to stay or food to eat...haha! Nonetheless, I am ready to start working and making money!

Oh, and I have been meaning to include this video on my blog for a while but keep forgetting so here you go for some entertainment. For the previous two years I had been watching two (three) girls in Dallas while I went to school and while we had our ups and our downs (pre teens can be rough sometimes, haha) these girls were always entertaining me. Here is an example! I was downstairs minding my own business, probably reading a book, and they came down and did this:

Enjoy! and Hope you all are having a great last half of the week! Happy Friday to all...miss you and am completely missing the great state of Texas RIGHT now. Can I get a Sonic Dr pepper delivered? to France? with the ice please. k thanks!