Wednesday, August 11

Friends husbands are a-mazing

So I have been borderline retarded recently as I could not figure out how to "fix" this blogger once I thought I had broken it. Well, I am in Red Oak visiting my friends Alyssa and Jesse one last time and Jesse is a computer whiz and I asked him to help me...he pressed one button within 20 seconds of looking at the website that fixed everything and I felt a bit stupid. :-/ 
So...We're back in business!!! yay!!!

I leave for France in a matter of days, 6 days to be exact. Yesterday, which was exactly a week before I leave, I had a few "OMGOSH" moments such as...."this time next week I will be at the airport boarding the plane", "this time next week I will be half way through my flight to France" feels like I've been preparing and wanting this so bad for so long that its a bit sureal that its almost here! Finally!

This past weekend was so wonderful! I have been planning a moving/graduation party that my parents were to host for about 4 months and it finally happened this weekend and it was so wonderful to be surrounded by the people I love and cherish the most, who have supported me through it all, all in one room to show their love and support back to me! I am so blessed!!!

Awesome funfetti cupcakes with sprinkles that Sarah helped me make!!!

giving my speech
My amazing parents 
Opening the present Stephany gave me: a photo album with pictures dating back to 8th grade :-)
Ben, Tay, and I 
Sarah and I :: she made my cupcakes so amazing!
Robyn, myself and Amy
Also, this past Thursday was the last MetroLive at HFBC for the summer, but also my last Thursday to go out "dancing" at Wild West. So of coarse I dressed up and brought my camera!!! I will miss you guy so much! Here are a few pictures so sum up the night!

Some of my favorite girls!
I danced three times this night, thats a record!!!!
Glad I finally figured out how to better work this blog thing, post pictures and share what's been going on in my life as I prepare to leave! These last few weeks have been very stressful with packing and preparing, I mean, how do you prepare yourself to leave for a year and try to fit your life in three suitcases? But it has been very rewarding and memorable, and I want to thank everyone who has been there for me, loved me, and been victim to my picture taking obsession (even though I'm not that great) this week! Any new friends I make in France have big shoes to fill as y'all have been the best!!!

Cheers to happy "endings"....

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