Saturday, August 28

Pictures, as promised!

The line I did not have to wait in because I am a French student, woo hoo! Saved me 15 euros. 
My friend made me do the "Hook 'em horns" sign because I'm Texan...
Napoleon's bed in le Chateau
The ceiling...incredible

Hall of mirros
My new boyfriend: Descartes

Picnic lunch in the gardens

Took a picture of an Escalade in Paris..hmmm

Hope you enjoyed! I definitely did! and GUESSS WHAT!!!! My host mom, Rachel, made tacos for lunch today. I guess all the talk about guacamole and alvacados and mexican food rubbed off on her and she decided to try it out. It wasn't too bad but it definitely wasn't Tex-Mex. I'll post pictures of that later!

xoxo Kara

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