Thursday, August 19

First days

Today is my first real day here and its not even half over yet and I feel the need to blog.

Yesterday or whatever day it was that I left, Tuesday, was a long and exhausting day to say the least. In good ol Kara fashion, I was not packed until the minute it was time to leave and even then, I still think of things I wish would've fit in my suitcases. I definitely packed way more than I need and my suitcases were filled to the max. I enjoyed my last American meal at Freebirds while gulping the most amazing tasting Dr. Pepper I will drink for the next year. Closed down my American bank accounts. And head to the airport... WITH Stephany!
My, what amazing friends I have! Stephany had been in Houston this past weekend (without my knowledge) and had postponed her flight back home so she could spend some time with me at the airport. I was surprised to know that and even though the surprise wasn't quite what she had planned, I enjoyed every second of getting to see her and spend time with her again!

I arrived yesterday around 10am French time, 3am(?) Texas time. After I finally got on the plane (there was a 2 hour delay due to who-knows-what), it was a smooth flight direct to CDG. Rachel (the mom) was there waiting to pick me up, we grabbed my massive amounts of luggage, and headed "home".
Rachel cooked me a lunch upon arriving and it was amazing to say the least. After lunch I felt like I had been hit by a bus so I went upstairs to unpack and rest. I did more resting then unpacking as I soon fell asleep for the next 4 or 5 hours.

It's beautiful here! My room is amazing! It's a bit on the small side but it seems just perfect to me. I have a corner room with windows on either side of the house so in the morning and all afternoon I have the sun shining brightly onto my bed. There is no AC here so if you are cold or hot you either open or close the windows, LOVE! Last night I was cold and when I woke up this morning I realized I had not closed one of the windows. oops!

Yesterday afternoon after I woke up from my nap I went outside to watch the kids play with the neighbors. The kids are as cute as button and I can't wait to spend more time with them. Right now they are very shy since they don't understand a word I am saying to them and vise versa! I walked around a little bit and took pictures of their street and house and I will post them soon.

Now it is Thursday and I still feel like I got hit by a bus. I didn't sleep too well last night so I stayed in bed until 10am this morning. Their current nanny is here today and she doesn't know any English either so its a bit awkward as my French is minimal. I think once I get done writing on here I am going to muster all the confidence I can find within and go explore while I can. I would like to go into St. Germain en laye, the nearest town (and where you pick up the RER to go to Paris) but I can't seem to find any bus schedules online, or maybe its that I can't read the French websites, so I don't know where to find the bus stop. Either way, I guess exploring never did anyone harm...

Oh, and the weather is crazy! I left Texas in the 100 degree F heat, only to land in France with it being in the 50's. I feel like a cold might be coming on but I am hoping its just a runny nose, ewww, I know. Sorry, TMI! I am going to bust out my jackets and head out for an afternoon of adventure. We will see where that lands me.

Oh, and thank you Lyndsey for taking the pretty awesome picture that I love and stole off your facebook to make the top of my blog look pretty great! haha.

Hope you're having a great day and someone enjoy a dr pepper for me today!!!!

Cheers to ***getting over jet lag, it sucks....and enjoying the moment I'm in *****

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