Sunday, March 6

its how we do it

You know what, when I get tired, thats when I get homesick the most. Why is that you may ask? Because thats when i turn super silly and super silly Kara needs someone to understand her and people here just don't... well, I take that back, I have a rare few friends who will never leave my side if I have a say in it becuase I just love how we get each other (yes, they are american, GO FIGURE). Anyways, today I was very thankful that I had my American friends around to bless my day! Or maybe I blessed theirs? who knows! Either way, someone was blessed. So today was the first Sunday of the month and every first sunday of the month the museums in Paris are free. Weeeeeee!!! I usually don't go because I have realized that art museums are not my favorite. And i usually don't have much time. But today my friends had decided to go to the Louvre and I hadn't been since the first time I was in Paris and walked the entire louvre over the span of 6 or 7 hours covering one day. Talk about exhaustion and over kill on really large paintings. So I decided I would have some fun and go. Don't hate me for getting bored with lots and lots of really large mostly naked paintings but I tired Kara had to bring a little flavor to the museum. 1. be loud! YES, the french people are not loud and they'd like loudness so yes, I was loud and enjoyed it! Duh! It's how we Americans are... 2. used my God-given imagination. How did I do that? I'm so glad you asked! I gave stories to all the paintings. It's quite an entertaining game, given you have a friend with you who either is entertained by the stories and/or plays along with you. Thankfully I had one (she, however, was not American, but totally had fun with me). We went from painting to painting making them somehow part of a picture book maybe...each painting, big or small, no matter the subject, was a part of our story... it was quite entertaining. Or when we'd come to a group of statues, everyone had to choose one to be and then we'd give them names and describe them. Oooo, it was so fun! Maybe I am just 7 in an ALMOST 24 years old body but I am quite ok with that. I have a good time no matter where I go and you can't hold that againt me. You just wish you had the same amount of fun as me. And yes, I am easily entertained, and yes, I can entertain myself. So there!

Also, after visiing the Louvre I realized just how much I have at my fingertips and how easy it is to forget about it and take it for granted. I have friends who refuse to do anything touristy since they live here now and I have friends who won't go anywhere near touristy locations such as the Tour Eiffel and Louvre, but me...I just flat out forget. I get so busy with parties and dinners and events that I forget that there are still so many touristy, muchless cultural things I have yet to see or do. Give me a break though, we've had a tough winter with a major lack or sun and a major load of cold, wind, snow, and rain so that has put a damper on wanting to go out and do anything but lay under your warm covers and watch tv, but atlas, the sun is coming out and the temps are rising and people (including myself) can finally start to think about all the cool things Paris has to offer again. Whew!!! So that being said, bring on the touristy side of myself and let's go do stuff! Yea!

OH, and on a much more boring host family bought a lamp for my desk! weeeee!!! I am so uber excited. Let me explain and for those of you who I have skyped at other times than the afternoon, you know what I am talking about. My room is DARK! I have one light and its not very bright and so at night or once the sun is down, the lighting in my room SUCKS! THe lighting is so bad I can't even sit in my bed and read a book because I don't get enough light unless I am directly under the hanging lamp in my room. Sad! But my host mom realized that I was lacking in light and finally bought a lamp this weekend! Score!!! It's already life-changing! yayayay!!!!

So I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! I am EX-HAUS-TED so I am going to bed REALLY early tonight. I spoke a lot of french this weekend and so my brain is telling me to get some beauty sleep. How that equals out I don't know, just go with it! I'm TIRED, remember?

Well, thats all for now folks! Ciao!

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