Earl and Janet's trip to Paris!
Last weekend my parents came to Paris to visit me. It was a rather short visit as I only got the weekend off to see them and then they headed elsewhere, but we enjoyed our time together and did some sight-seeing. It's rather weird to think that I don't know the next time I will see them!!! I'm glad they came and I hope they enjoyed their time here.
Opera |
Moulin Rouge (after we went to the Sacre Coeur, but I guess I didn't take any pictures of that?) |
first time on an RER (train) |
Notre Dame |
the back of Notre Dame |
La Seine |
Earl learning how to wear a scarf |
Inside the Louvre
Musee de Louvre |
Champs Elysees |
Champs Elysees |
La Duree - home to the best macaroons in town |
Arc de Triumph |
Tour Montparnasse |
Tour Montparnasse |
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower |
So I kept Earl and Janet really busy, just ask them! I took them on a bike tour, gave them a run for their money in the walking department -- made sure their shoes were durable!!, taught them the ways of public transportation, how to avoid pick pocketers and annoying people on the streets, went to the theatre, had French foods, waited in line for Macaroons, experienced delays, late nights, my church, my friends, the culture, my small town, and the place I call home. All of that in just three short days! I'm sure they were just exhausted by the time I was done with them, because I was and I wasn't even jet lagged!
Thanks Mom and Dad putting up with me wanting to fill your days as full as possible. I hope you enjoyed your time in Paris and now see why I love it here so much!!! You're welcome back anytime you want although I have a feeling I will be going back to Texas next. Miss you already and love you tons!!!
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