Wednesday, April 29

mac ---n cheese

So sometimes I really don't like MAC computers! haha. There are a few things about it that I just haven't figured out yet. (And i bought the "Macbook for dummies" haha) 
I have to do some homework for a class online and i can't seem to do it because my computer is not compatible. Wish i had a PC sometimes.

So, I'm excited about breakfast Friday morning. I'm having breakfast with a friend and I chose a cafe neither of us has been to, i don't think. Where I live, there are all these hole-in-the-wall type restaurants and shops and whatnot and i passed a place called Lucky's Cafe and i looked it up online and it has good reviews so i'm headed there in a few days. Kind of excited. :-)

I got a new watch! LOVES IT! Love it so much that i didn't want to take it off last night... meaning i wore it to bed! i'm a dork. It's a beaut. 
Isn't she lovely? haha. I'm such a proud mama!

And, I MISSSSSSSSSSSSS Paris like so stink' bad! :-( 
I want to go back...NOW! I could live there the rest of my life and die happy! i swear! 

Well, Cheers*** to life! the good, bad, and the ugly!!! haha

Monday, April 27

a little down, a little up

So these past few weeks have really brought me down ... a LOT!
But the funny thing God works everything for GOOOODD!!!! It's so interesting to look back and be like, haha!!! God, you are so funny! ....I mean it!
These girls that I nanny everyday, they have been such a blessing in my life lately! I have had some tough mornings at school or just by myself and I know the day will pick up once i see their beautiful faces. They really have brought joy to my life and honestly, six months ago, I wanted to quit my job more than anything in the world. 
I also started going to an SMU Bible study this semester and it has been a night I look forward to for the past few months. I have prayed for so long for good Christian friends, and of coarse, it would happen that i meet some wonderful people right when everyone is graduating or moving on to the next stage in their life, and while that makes me sad, I have to sit back and remember to live right now and be grateful that God answered my prayer and that he cares...RIGHT NOW. He cares! About me?!!!
And funnier things might be soon happening and I'm just trying my hardest to do what I do worst and give it to Him. Because obviously, as I have just typed in the last 5 minutes above here...He cares, He takes care of me, He has my best interest at why not give it to Him? and trust Him with my life?

So to my cheers for the really a challenge, for myself mostly, but to anyone else who reads this: Eat it up! (the Word) To endulge myself like never before because I know He has great things in store for the now, the right now, and all I have to do is trust Him and He will provide. Besides the fact that His word tells me, He has proven that to me TODAY and yesterday and He will show me again tomorrow because I'm sure I will forget and need another friendly reminder. until then, please pray for me and for my future as I am battling the Lord on what He has planned for my life and that is not a fun place to be! :-/ (I'm praying that He change my heart. That I will want what He wants for me... And i know He can, because its a typical prayer for me. Ha ha. )


Saturday, April 18

I miss the bachelor!

So this week has been rough! I think God heard me say that I was kind of bored with life being so easy that he turned my world upside down. And by world, I mean my emotional state. I have had a rough couple of days but I know they'll be over and I'll have a few good ones. Thats how the cycle goes, right?
Got ANOTHER stupid speeding ticket today! I could scream, I'm so mad! (And i did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 
Really, it takes a lot a lot a lot for me to get MAD and i really just wanted to turn around and go tell off the police officer. But I didn't. :-) I don't even want to get started on this subject because its not pretty, thats just all i have to say about that. haha.
In other news, besides getting pulled over today, I spent my day working on a group project. BY MYSELF. haha. I'm not too fond of my classes right now because the teachers either A. aren't prepared B. don't make good assignments or C. cancel class all the time, and without notification. 
So this teacher gave us a group project and I'm a bit frustrated, as is my group, because we realized that this project can't really be split up into parts. There are 2 parts, one person makes the project and the other person writes about it. thats all there is to it. I am making the project, and i'm fine with that, its actually been fun, but the making of the project is only worth 15 out of 100 points of the project. so dumb. 
So to end my negative post on a positive point: I got to meet up with some of my dearest friends, Lesley and Denton, tonight and have a wonderful dinner at Papadeaux. We literally sat and chatted and ate for 3 hours! It was great! And to add to that, we had a great waiter, Justin! He was very interactive and fun to chat with. AND AND AND, they messed up my meal so i got a free meal which is nice for the budget! haha. I didn't even say anything, they just automatically did that and brought me out my meal and that was that. I'll take a free meal any day. haha. 
I don't mean for the post to be so negative, I'll sleep it off and write some wonderful posts this coming week! 

*CHEERS**** to wonderful friendships, free dinner, and a cute waiter (can't hurt!)!!! ....all very much needed and very thankful for after a long and hard week! 

Friday, April 10


I feel the need to blog about THE largest grocery store known to man. Anyone familiar with Wal-Mart? Super wal-mart? Ok, take super wal-mart and times it by 3... that equals H.E.B. on I-10 in memorial. I saw it being built and I see it from the freeway and I even hear about how large it is but I just never really comprehended to the extent of just how large that grocery is. 
First off, i really think they should have valet parking because as if they aren't making enough money, i think they could really make a few more dollars off of it. The parking lot is just as massive as the store itself and yet you have to park in the boonies and then walk 10 minutes just to get inside because its always busy. Not that i mind walking and tonight my father and i were lucky and saw someone backing out, but this parking lot is was so dang full.
So i walked inside, still having no idea of what i was to encounter...HOLY BA-MOLY!
I don't even know how to begin to describe this store, i just wish i could've taken a video, or pictures for that matter. You know how in regular groceries there is an area for seafood, an area for meats. A half isle for greeting cards, a section for flowers. This HEB had an entire SECTION and i mean like a large square footage devoted to these things. We went to the frozen section to get ice cream and there was a lady that was advertising something like a microwavable dinner dish or something and she had a microphone! haha.

Anyways, my dad, not having much experience in the grocery store area asked me if i knew where i was going.... ha ha....Dad, hello? A grocery store? Heck yea i know where i'm going, its shopping (my expertise), its a grocery store (a women's expertise!!!). I told him, duh, i know where i'm going, its woman's intuition to know where everything is in a grocery store. haha. 

Anyways, we paid, nothing exciting, but as we were walking out i noticed that this HEB was not just any ordinary HEB.... there was a full on jeweler there. Not like cheap fake gold that turns your body green or metal that will break if you touch, like in a glass case with a sales lady in a suit and mirrors and bling all over the place. In a grocery store? really? Also there was a nail salon, a gold buyer (since those are pretty popular these days) and i want to say there was an eye place, like to buy prescription glasses. 

Needless to say, i think that this HEB was ridiculously large and had way too much food and you could spend a little too much money on food that you really don't need.
And i thought how fun it would be to play in there! haha. Oh to be in high school again!!!

CHEERRRRRSSSSS to the Lord raising from His grave, an amazing Easter Sunday, and whatever adventures the holiday may bring! 

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 7

yo mama!

1. The other day I was driving the girls I watch back to their house from running an errand and we definitely passed a house about 2 streets down from where they live that was having a party. not a big deal, but they definitely had VALET parking. I couldn't believe it so I did a double take and drove back past the house only to find a TRUMPET-IST standing near the front door playing music. <---just an everyday occurrence where i live apparently! (or not)

2. So i thought I had more than one story to tell but I'm not remembering anything else cool to say. I still want to post a few pictures from Paris but when i have tried to post pictures in the past this stupid blogger and I do not get along well so i have to wait for a time when i have patience and lots of free minutes. 

3. Oh yes, i do remember, I found this really cool website...its like cafe something a rather and it sells nearly everything, clothes, posters, random things to go around your house... 
Anyways, i found a few cute one-sies or as the website called them "bodysuits" for my cousin who is having a baby boy this summer (so excited!) If she reads this, sorry i ruined the surprise but i'm sure she won't even put the stinking things on because she'll say they are too retarded looking for her baby. But i don't care, i just spend 35 dollars of some cute little bodysuits for her baby Jack. 

4. I have a date tomorrow! JK.
But i am excited because I am hopefully having lunch with my friend Miguel and I always enjoy seeing him since it doesn't happen very often anymore. :-( He just told me he's going to be a daddy to a baby boy tonight so i'm supper pumped for him and his wife! yay! Now if only trying to find cute baby boy material wasn't so hard i could make my new favorite babies cute little diaper bags!

**Cheers** to gratefully being done with school in a matter of weeks, spending time with new and old friends, and to 2 hopefully happy and healthy babies this summmer....can't wait!

Thursday, April 2

uh, random!

So the other day I was going to blog because a few too many "weird" things had occured but I just ran out of time. So, tonight I am going to let it all out:

1. I was at Wal-Mart the other day and I was going to pick up a few things. I look down an isle and see that its the isle I want to be on and i notice there's a mom and her possibly 5 yr old son and their cart about half way down the isle. no biggie, right? So i casually walk down the isle to go scout out what i need and be on my way and i walk in front of the lady and past her (i don't stop in front of her, no worries). Sounds like some boring story, but she FLIPS OUT! She goes, "unbelievable. Are you serious?" or something to that effect and grabs her son and literally storms off like a child would do. 
REALLY?!?!?! If she hadn't left so quickly and i wasn't so taken aback why what just happened or what just didn't happen, i would've been quicker to my toes and said something back. But i'm really glad i didn't because she seemed like she could've kicked my butt. 
Some people sometimes i just don't understand. I've thought about that situation a few times and just been baffled by what happened. like i didn't say "excuse me" before i walked infront of her or something. Is that rude? hmmm

2. So as if my Wal-Mart experience wasn't a little tainted by the weirdness of that lady having a tantrum in the make up isle, i go to check out and yes, i chose the "SLOW" line. 
So you hear the commercials, we'll match anyone else's prices or something to that effect. Most places these days will do that. If you come in with an advertisement that shows that a competitor has a lower price, most places will match it. Although, i don't understand why those people won't just go to THAT store and buy the product, but thats another topic for another day. Well, i guess i just never really gave it much thought seeing as how i really don't watch my money or care if something is 10 cents less at target vs the wal mart. 
Yea, not realizing it, i get in the line behind this older lady (probably about 75) who literally has 5 different competitors advertisements, probably from the Sunday paper. She also has a list of everything she is buying and who and which advertisement has the cheapest price. At least she was organized, but people, we're talking about the price of a 2 pound bag of potatoes being 2.00 vs. 2.50. It was crazy! And then, on top of that, she had coupons, also. Seriously guys, this lady did her homework! no joke. I didn't know people did this, but then again, i'm not a penny pincher so i'm not aware of a lot of ways i could be saving my money. I'm not writing this to make fun of the lady, don't get me wrong, i just had never seen it before. I don't think that way, i could care less about saving $1 here or 50 cents there, but apparently this lady did!!! Kudos to her!

Anyways, so those were my strange experiences. And back in the retail world, whenever things that like that would happen, the lady flipping out for no apparent reason or another lady taking 30 minutes at the cash register with all her lists and advertisements and whatnot, we would say, it was probably a full moon because the crazies were out. Not to be rude, but just because the saying, "the crazies come out only at full moons" and a lot of times, weird people or just out of the norm things would happen. This time, it was just a weird day, no full moon. 

Ok, so that is my post.

Oh, and 
PS- The same day i definitely had a conversation with the 8 yr old that i watch about smoking cigarettes. She asked how do you smoke one, why do people smoke, how does it cause cancer. I can't even remember some of the weird and yet slightly awkward questions she was coming up with about smoking and cigarettes. I felt a little weird having that type of conversation with her, seeing as how she's 8 and I'm not her mom. Should i be teaching her these things? haha. And to be honest, i really don't know much of anything about smoking so i wasn't the best resource for that subject. ...just added to the weirdness of the day!

*CHEERS* to it being the end of the school week (for me) and hopefully not having any more "crazies" run-ins for a while. haha. Have a great weekend for anyone who reads this!

PS-I'm so excited because tomorrow I have a date with a very special 1.5 month old and her mother! wooohooo