Monday, January 30

a bit of an update

A bit of an update about what has happened in the last month: not much!

I have been unemployed for over a month now. One of the most liberating and yet hardest times I've ever had to go through. I have questioned so much about my decisions and myself and yet learned so much as well. I have learned how great my friends are for letting me stay with them, encouraging me when i'm down, encouraging me to chase my dreams and to dream big and not settle for less. Its incredible what one month of unemployment can do to a person. I have learned that I am not the same Kara that moved here a year and a half ago. Not at all. I am a stronger, wiser, cooler Kara (if i say so myself) and yet I realize i still have so much left to learn and so much still to grow.

For those of you who may wonder, how does one afford to stay unemployed in the one of the most expensive cities in the world, for a month....the answer is...GOD! I have been blessed immeasurably!!! I can't exactly explain how I have managed to stay afloat and still enjoy life except to give all the credit to God who continues to provide for me when I feel I don't deserve it.

I am nearing the end of my unemployment stage of life and I hope to have a job in the coming weeks (its a pending situation for those who really want to know and once it becomes finalized then I can talk more about it) and I'm excited for the future. I am starting to apply for real adult jobs as well so thats exciting as well. I feel like 2011 was a year of learning and growing and traveling and exploring. 2012 will be a year of faith and hope and trust and waiting.

So, as in years past, I plan on talking about the 2011's resolutions and then my 2012 ones as well and I hope its not a problem that its won't exactly be in the month of january that I will be doing it all. I have had an incredible start to what I know is going to be an incredible year and probably one of the craziest years ever but I am ready. Bring it on, 2012!

And PS. Winter finally arrived in Paris this weekend. It's cold. I mean I'm wearing 4 layers and a parka type coat and still cold. brrrrr. Hope you Texans are enjoying your nice chilly weather or nice warm weather, I myself will be staying inside for the time being. :-)

Miss you all!!!

Love, moi

Saturday, January 21

the rest

January first was spent sleeping in (jet lag, hello!). We went to see the movie New Years Eve and it was really good and then went to dinner where our waiter was very british, thank you. We skyped with old friends and caught up some more. Our last day in London we actually spent in London walking around, seeing the London bridge (from afar) and eating at Chipotle where some had their first burrito.
I'd say this was a very successful holiday and reunion and New Years all wrapped into three quick days. Three countries, time zones, currencies and forms of transportation in three days.

Wednesday, January 11

Happy 2012

Happy 2012 Everyone!!!!!! New Years eve was spent in London with my amazing (new) friends. We came from all over and met to spend a few days on holiday together at Caroline's family home in the suburbs of London. On NYE we ate fish and chips and waited for 3.5 hours to see 10 minutes of fireworks shoot out of the London Eye. It took us 4 hours to get back home that night and then we stayed up till 7am sipping champagne and sharing our new years resolutions with each other.

Hope everyone had a great new years eve no matter where you were. Happy 2012!!!

Paris at its finest

This was the other night at the Louvre and then the Ponts des Arts and the Assemblee Nationale. I love my city!!! (all photos were taken using my iPhone 4)

the rest of the trip went a little like this...

The rest of the trip was spent walking the mall, finding treasures like the Texas store and kiosk, catching up with old friends and getting lost in Wal-mart and Target. Eating sushi, hot dogs, burritos and tacos, and drinking margaritas, and being shocked that a size medium soda was the size of my head. I also spent some time filling up my Texas tank by two-stepping and admiring trucks the size of my old apartment, and meeting my sisters puppy Willard after learning that she lives in the middle of no-where now. It was so nice to be back and be loved on by all the people that have made me who I am today and being filled up by all the things that have made me who I am as well. I love being in France but I can never deny my heritage and how I wouldn't be who I am today without it.