Thursday, January 28

Better late than Never? eh?

So I keep thinking about how I need to make and official list of my New Years Resolutions... and so here I am, doing it! "do it! do it! peer pressure" of my favorite things to say.

New Years Resolutions for 2010: (some are practical, others are well...not so practical)
1. Not get a moving violation in 2010 ... yea, I did put that as no. 1, it would be nice not to be working to pay the different cities in texas.
2. get all A's in my last semester of college
3. graduate -- this IS a resolution, you know never what will happen between now and then so I have to make a conscious effort to put that as a goal of mine haha
4. have more patience
5. fill up my passport (and no worries, i WILL do this one, starting with France in a matter of weeks, wooo hooo)
6. become conversational in French before the year ends
7. read 2 books a month (I am probably going to fail at this one this month unless I read 2 books in the next few days, which i guess I should stay positive and do it!)
8. Read the Bible in 365 days (I'm reading the chronological Bible that is divided by the days of the year)

I am so set on fulfilling almost every one of these. I feel like almost all of these are attainable and with the love and support of my family and super cool new friends (that arent so new anymore) I know I can do all of them.

Thursday, January 14


So in the spirit of everyone and their dog, (including a new tv show), creating lists of things they want to do in the coming months or years, I am jumping on the bandwagon and being a follower and creating one also. It is not going to be posted yet because I have not finished it yet but I will soon enough. The thing I find funny is that I don't feel according to my personality type that I should be a list maker but I totally am, I guess thats the little bit of organization that lies somewhere deep within me. :-)

So much has happened and changed to/for me in the last month and its slightly crazy to think about. I traveled for 14 days straight this Christmas season, I moved in the middle of it, booked a wrong plane ticket, missed a flight, slept 2 hours in 48 hr time period, ate fast food for 3 meals a day for 5 days straight (ewww), played in 4 inches of fresh snow, sledded for the first time, and had the most amazing new years ever. Now I am back in Dallas sleeping on a matress in a friends living room for the next 4 months, nannying for a great family with 2 beautiful girls, and I start back to school which means my LAST semester of college ever (thats a promise) next Tuesday. I think, no, I know, I am in such a better place right now than I was the last time I was here in Dallas and trying to deal with multiple changes and I can only attribute that my Heavenly Father and the amazing (new) friends and family that he has so graciously placed in my life. I really am trying to fall in love with the Lord daily and its a constant struggle no doubt but I know that he is my Comforter, my Joy, my Provider, my Guidance, my Everything in an unknown world and I struggle daily to wake up and praise His name, but I am asking that He change my heart. He has been laying so much on my heart and I feel like He truly has been preparing me for an awesome road ahead and I can only dream and pray of what the bigger picture looks like!

So for this year, the year of 2010, a year full of MANY changes, many many unknowns, many struggles to come, and many times of happiness to enjoy, I am so thankful for the faith and relationship I have because from personal experience, doing it alone is not doable... it's not easy, its not fun, and its definitely not worth it to live life without Jesus by my side guiding my steps!

So here is to -- loving life in a whole new way, closing chapters only to open new ones, the unknown (to me), and seeking the one who guides my steps knowing and trusting that it is for His glory!!! ***** CHEERS!!! *****