Sunday, January 30


if thats a word, is my favorite to describe my life and this weekend.


i thought it recently... i have the best life ever! I am stressfree, most days. I get paid to play with kids and live in Paris (sort of). And its my adult life. for now.

this weekend was another great one. busy. but low key. hung out with a friend/new to paris/ also an au pair and we had a bunch of fun. she is american, which, duh, explains  a lot of "it".

we cooked burritos. and watched american movies. and and american reality tv. and even unbuttoned our pants when our tummies were too full from burritos (and some mexican beers, and a dr pepper).

anyways, she introduced me to this:

And now its my new favorite song that I am determined! to learn!

So, 4.5 days until the start of my stretch of holidays leading up to my birthday. (kind of)

And parents, if you are reading this: BOOK YOUR TICKETS ...please!! kthanks!

hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!!!!

love, me

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